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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 61 Entries.
Friday, February 2 View Page
That time of year. Still fishing from the rowboat. Already got about 400 Perch and smallest in pics is 9". Did Fish Fry at American Legion for friends and vets and will do VFW tomorrow. Fish are biting like crazy and what else do you do up here in the Adirondacks.
Saturday, February 3 View Page
They all look big without a comparison! Hope the bucket shows up in this pic!!
Sunday, March 24 View Page
Why my start date is May 25th....only 2'!!
Saturday, April 20 View Page
Perch and Lake Trout will have a little break coming up. Over a 100 lbs of perch fillets this year and several lake trout....big fish fry coming up next weekend at the VFW...guess who is cooking and supplying perch. Break is coming because the snow and ice are finally gone and time to start seeds and work the patch. I hauled 30 yards of horse and cow manure this morning for next year and am ready to file and soak seeds.
Saturday, April 20 View Page
Round One will be Orange. Starting two 1175 Gansert and two 1078 Gansert seeds...1552 Young and 1747.5 Bailey.
Saturday, April 20 View Page
Who in their right mind would grow a Damn Gansert Seed for Orange anyway. He Only has 17 or so HDs and I've never been accused of being in my right mind.
Wednesday, April 24 View Page
1078 Gansert seems to be a late germinator. Pushing dirt this AM and the other no signs of movement yet But the other four seeds are up and under light. 2 1/2-3 days being average germ for me.
Wednesday, April 24 View Page
I use my oven as a germination chamber. Turn the light on and crack the door and it keeps me at a constant 85 degree temp. Open or close the door a little for different temps. If I'm going to use my stove I will open the door until done cooking or just remove. Forgot to remove when preheating oven one day...OH BOY was that fun!!!!
Thursday, April 25 View Page
One 1078 came up and I checked the other this morning. Ain't pretty. I filed and am soaking another 1078. I'm out of 1078s. Hopefully this one germs. Normal germ time for me is 2 1/2 days. One is for me and one for my Nephew.
Sunday, April 28 View Page
My other 1078 was up this morning and now under light!!
Sunday, April 28 View Page
VFW Fish Fry went well!! Brought 43 lbs of fillets and came home with 3 lbs. Life is Good and everybody was Happy....except for a few that had to wait a little longer than expected. All money made goes back to the community in some form and to help out retired Vets or Spouses. Without the Vets we might not be the United States!!! SOME GAVE EVERYTHING...SOME GAVE ALL!!
Thursday, May 2 View Page
Round 2...Can we say mostly older HD and Orange? Filed and soaking 13 seeds. For all you 150 sq ft growers we have the 793 Toftness..HD in 150 patch 2016 who started this 150 sq ft patch anyway??? We have a couple Gansert seeds...1044HD and.681...we have 923HD and 248 Gouin...2 of my seeds grown from the 907 Young (1059 V/M selfed and sibbed) 348 and 328 both were small beauties!!...we have a 1120 Wolf HD. I'll be experimenting with these this year to save an old fat guys body. They will get planted in a row approx 5' apart and given about 10' of space to grow in and then run the remainder of the plant onto a rolled out sheet of mill fabric. Looking for smaller nice Orange kins Lets see what happens!!!!
Friday, May 3 View Page
Added a 600.5 Young to round one
Sunday, May 5 View Page
Make that round 2 on the 600.5....Also just want to add that I had an 1120 up this morning...seed was cracked from top to bottom..to me this means quicker germination..kinda like filing down the outsides to see inside. Guess I just want to say if you get a cracked seed I don't think it's a big deal. Just my opinion.
Sunday, May 5 View Page
Didn't surprise me other 1120 Wolf was cracked and up also..being a newer seed helps also
Monday, May 6 View Page
Started soaking 4 more of my 328s (907 selfed) yesterday. 1059 V/M has been an awesome ORANGE seed!! I've had the pleasure of growing the 907 Young (1059 selfed) for several years and have had nothing but beautiful dark ORANGE kins!!! I'll find a home for everybody between my nephews and myself.
Saturday, May 11 View Page
All but 4 came up and are under light. Unfortunately neither 793 Toftness germinated. Started my last 2 this morning. My 348 did not germ and the 248 Gouin was non-findable in the cup??? Grower error or Mr Gouin pulled a disappearing trick on me. Did grow the 248 several years ago..4' from stump on main..ended up with a real nice 400 lber.
Saturday, May 11 View Page
What did come up was 3-681 Ganserts....2-1044 Ganserts....1 328 Hoffman...2-1120 Wolf.s.1-600.5 Young....1-923 Gouin... Can you say ORANGE!!
Tuesday, May 14 View Page
Just tilled about 4000 sq ft of main patch and about 1200 sq ft of veggie garden. Tired of chasing that horse around. Rain on the way tonight and tomorrow and will retill and plant. Might even do hoop houses.every time I google it it comes ups as a kids toy.
Tuesday, May 14 View Page
Oh No!!! woodchucks are back. Had 10 last year...almost tied Mr Gansert with 11. He wouldn't accept the last black and white entry.
Friday, May 17 View Page
One down....no telling how many more to go.
Saturday, May 18 View Page
793 is a no go again. I found one more seed and if it doesn't take look out for your sweet corn Bart!!!!!
Sunday, May 19 View Page
I've got my 4 main plants in the ground this morning.....1552 Young...1175 and 1078 Gansert and the 1747.5 Bailey. 1078 is a little behind with some early leaf issues but has recovered nicely. Other 3 have just started to lay down with 6th and 7th true leaf starting. all 3 have dinner plates for first 2 leaves. I'm a happy camper! No hoop houses going up as temps for the next 2 weeks are supposed to be close to summer temps. Let's go Orange!!
Thursday, May 23 View Page
3rd woodchuck of the year and its early yet. Luckily I have a fox that unloads my 220 conibear for me!! He did leave me the head on the last one though. Still much easier resetting the trap.
Saturday, May 25 View Page
Bad day in the patch yesterday. Plants survived the wind storm until a single big deer went from plant to plant and ate them. I have backups . Need to shore the fencing!!
Saturday, May 25 View Page
Bad day in the patch yesterday. Plants survived the wind storm until a single big deer went from plant to plant and ate them. I have backups . Need to shore the fencing!!
Monday, June 3 View Page
Was going to retill main patch and plant backup AGs, field kins and gourds this morning. Looked out my window and there was the big doe with her fawn inside the patch. She must have felt the patch was a safe place and had her fawn inside the fenced in area. Now i need to wait a while until the fawn can travel with mama and open part of the fence to let the fawn follow mama out. Need to get my new cell phone setup to email pics. Would have made a nice pic.
Wednesday, June 5 View Page
1747.5 Bailey is making a nice comeback from the deer attack...never had to get a plant to lay down twice but will keep it for genetics and pollinations. 1552 Young I tried to save but is toast. 1078 and 1175 Ganserts were both eaten almost to the ground so there went some nice orange. We'll see what happens.
Thursday, June 6 View Page
opened rear corner of garden and doe and fawn are gone. Time to shrink patch and make fence 7"
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Had to laugh today when the big doe was feeding in the patch. Was wondering where the fawn was?? Then the fawn stood up...was bedded down next to 1747.5 . Gotta Love The Adirondacks!!!! New fencing and smaller area going in this week.
Monday, June 10 View Page
#4 on woodchucks this morning. Norm I'm one up I believe. Let me know how Cathys woodchuck stew came out.
Monday, June 10 View Page
Looked out the back window at the patch and there was little brown patch that shouldn't have been there. Binoculars let me know it was the fawn curled up next to the 1747.5!! I Did move some fencing this morning that was around the 1747.5so it should be safe. Tim did you put attractants in the plant!! I.m am a nature lover but also a hunter..We BE letting the little ones alone!!!
Sunday, June 16 View Page
Walked down into the patch this morning to spray for squash bugs, Found I had another new addition to the patch. Weeds in one spot were knocked down and looked like they were rolled in. 10' away was the new baby fawn curled up in a ball. Due to back and hip issues the only thing I'm trying to grow now is the 1747.5 for pollen for my nephews and maybe i can squeak a kin or two or three off the plant. After the deer attack earlier in the year it seems to have 3 mains growing in different directions. Temporary fencing around that plant will need to be expanded shortly. Until then the deer have open grazing and a safe home for the babies. Woodchucks on the other hand are fair game. Got my 5th one this morning. Time for bass fishing!!!
Sunday, June 16 View Page
I've been mentoring my nephew and he has a decent start. Unfortunately the pics he sent me from this morning I couldn't pull up. Unfortunately Being in the foothills of the Adirondacks gives us about the same temps as Northern Vermont. He has a 1078 Gansert 9' long with a baby near the end with 14 secondaries behind it. The 600.5 Young (1552 selfed ) is 10' long with 18 secondaries and no babies yet. This hot spell coming should help make these plants stretch out. As long as I can't grow this year I'll be helping/mentoring the best I can. He should be joining BP shortly where I told him he could learn a lot.
Sunday, June 16 View Page
Finally came thru with pics from my nephew. 1078 on left 600.5 on right. Berm around the outside is cow and horse manure for next year
Sunday, June 16 View Page
Nephews ....1078 in front 600.5 top of pic....50 yards of last years manure that he is turning for next year is top of pic.. Last pic in upper right corner is another 50 yards and plus the berm...approximately 150 Yards for next year and he has worms galore.
Saturday, June 22 View Page
Brought 3 male 1747.5s to my nephews this morning and we pollinated the 1078 Gansert 4 lobe at 9' with 18 secondaries behind it. His 600.5 Young will be ready in a couple days at 14' with 21 secondaries behind it. The 1078 also has a baby at 12' with 22 secondaries. Very early pollinations for here.
Saturday, June 22 View Page
Pics of my Nephews 1078 Gansert top and 600.5 Young bottom.
Monday, June 24 View Page
Finally got my new phone figured out kinda. Wanted to try a post. Are these types of trees only located in the Adirondacks or do they grow elsewhere and what type is it?
Tuesday, June 25 View Page
Pollinated 600.5 Young at my Nephews this morning for him with 1747.5 Bailey. Nice 4 lobe. pollination was at 14' with 21 secondaries behind it.
Wednesday, June 26 View Page
If pollination doesn't take on the 600.5 there is another baby at about 18' with 25 secondaries behind it. when the warm weather hit mains on both plants have had 2' snake heads. Making the s-curves a little more difficult.
Wednesday, June 26 View Page
Also want to mention for my nephew and myself the early pucker . Just a note...what diaries are for...first time for me with an early pucker and I've done hundreds
Thursday, June 27 View Page
There has been some discussion recently about split vines and what to do. This split was on a young plant maybe 5' long and started right after the stump. Start date was april 25th by a first year grower and was planted mid may. As can be seen in the pic the split healed. It is thicker than the main vine. It slowed down for a bit then picked up after about a week. The plant is currently 27' wide and 18' long and has had 5 babies on the main. It is growing in a 700 sq ft area and should fill in by mid July.Dimensions for the area are 35' wide by 20' long. Next pic will show plant.
Thursday, June 27 View Page
1078 Gansert on the left....600.5 Young on the right.
Thursday, June 27 View Page
Whoopsy...photo be upside down
Thursday, June 27 View Page
Whoopsy...photo be upside down
Thursday, June 27 View Page
Longview of the two I hope with pollinations under chairs on each end.
Thursday, June 27 View Page
Hopefully this looks better. 1078 Gansert with vine split on main is on the left and 600.5 Young is on the right.
Friday, June 28 View Page
Nice overhead view of Nephews patch. He climbed compost pile It's filling in nicely.
Sunday, June 30 View Page
Pollinated 1078 Gansert 5 lobe with 1747.5 Bailey at 15' this morning with 24 secondaries behind it. Won't have to worry about pollinating the next one which was 2' further out. Cool day yesterday and heavy rain in the afternoon...high about 60 and my Nephew tried to turn the main as it was getting close to the 20' boundary and snapped it. Sunny warm day is much better. He be learnin'. I'll give him credit though he couldn't have snapped it in a better spot. He has a secondary on each side past the kin and is only 5' from the fence.
Thursday, July 4 View Page
Nephews patch is filling in nicely. 700 sq ft and should be filled in around mid July. Some secondaries were terminated this morning and am hoping the pollinations done with 24 and 25 secondaries will take. Both are looking good right now. Fingers crossed and will pollinate again tomorrow on the 600.5
Friday, July 5 View Page
Don't believe they get much better than this Nice 6 lobe at 21' where we were turning the vine because we were running out of room. There are 31secondaries behind this kin. Plant is the 600.5 Young. I believe we are gonna extend the fence out a couple more feet on this end and end up with 850-900 sq ft. of space to fill.
Friday, July 5 View Page
Pollinated with 1747.5 Bailey.
Friday, July 5 View Page
This kin was going to be the keeper on the 600.5 until this mornings pollination. Found the stem split early and cut leaf and was thinking about cutting secondary to relieve stress. Split seems to have healed but not sure what it will do as it grows. Don't want to cut it off yet in case further out 6 lobe doesn't take. Thoughts from somebody who has dealt with this issue would be appreciated.
Friday, July 5 View Page
Want to add this split happened before kin hit the ground.
Wednesday, July 10 View Page
Nephew let me know he had a foamy looking stump. Not sure how long it's been leaking but quite a pile of puke under vine when I looked this morning. Sliced about a foot and a half of it and rot was down into stump and 16" up vine. Tried cleaning it out and ended up cutting main off twice to get past rot then cleaned with a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution and sulfered it and covered to stay dry....heavy rains for this afternoon and tonight from Beryl. Only 2 secondaries had been deadheaded and the plant was growing great and young kin was doubling in size every day. Would too much water cause this. Plant was getting close to filling in its 700 sq ft space. All terts had been removed and thinking I might have had him over water it. Thoughts??
Friday, July 12 View Page
It's been 3 days since I cut the foaming stump off and as expected growth rate dropped considerably but the plant and kin look fine. There are still 21 secondaries behind it and plenty of grow time left. Today it is 17 dap for the 600.5 Young with an OTT of 116. This will turn into a multi kin plant.
Saturday, July 13 View Page
I knew the 600 Young would slow down but not as much as it did. My Nephew had stopped watering because he didn't want to foam another stump. There is no stump so I told him to put the water to it. OTT went from 116 yesterday to 133 today...plus almost 20 lbs A day 17th-18th with no stump. Wonder what it might have done with a stump. Now onto the 1078 Gansert not sure why he grew a Gansert seed anyway and remembered he's not always in his right mind either.
Saturday, July 13 View Page
Pulled measurements on the 1078 Gansert and 13 dap it had an OTT of 93. Question on the stem surface splits which can be seen in the pics. What might cause this? It has happened on both kins and is only surface cracking with minor beading of water. Sulfered and they are fine but water was also reduced the last few days. Thoughts?
Monday, July 15 View Page
Could not believe the size difference by looking at it this morning from yesterday on the 600 Young with no stump. 20 DAP 159 ott with a gain of 24 lbs since yesterday. Side to side and end to end are identical. Now my Nephew just needs to hope it will turn orange.
Monday, July 15 View Page
Nephews 1078 Gansert is also very symmetrical with end to end and s to s almost exact. 15 DAP 120 OTT. Gain of 15" ott since yesterday. He's hoping this one will turn orange as well.


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