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JABC (Jordan) - 2024 Grower Diary Point your RSS aggregator here to subscribe to this Grower Diary.

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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 28 Entries.
Tuesday, April 2 View Page
My parents bought me a greenhouse for my birthday
Tuesday, April 2 View Page
The dimensions are 10 by 32 ft. I think that I could grow a plant in a flag pattern in here and it would work good.
Friday, April 5 View Page
Rainy day here today, I'm inside pondering my line-up for this year.
Sunday, April 14 View Page
It's seed starting day!
Sunday, April 14 View Page
Here's what I decided to go with. 1953 Daletas x2, 2342 Stelts and a 2227 Stelts. I will pick the best 2 out of these 4 plants to grow.
Sunday, April 14 View Page
I filed the edges of the seeds and soaked them in water for an hour.
Sunday, April 14 View Page
Seeds are planted and are warming on a heating mat. Let the fun begin!
Monday, April 15 View Page
I planted some giant sunflower seeds a few days ago and they're starting to sprout.
Thursday, April 18 View Page
80 hours after planting, no action yet.
Friday, April 19 View Page
2342 Stelts is the first one to sprout, it just started peaking through the soil this afternoon. Still waiting on the other 3.
Tuesday, April 23 View Page
All seeds sprouted. 3 of them have warped and wonky looking cots for some reason though? Not sure what that's about but oh well.
Tuesday, April 23 View Page
I was doing the annual removal of walnut tree roots from the edge of the patch.
Thursday, April 25 View Page
I moved the pumpkin seedlings into bigger pots today. Plants on the right side of the pic are the giant sunflowers and a turk's turban squash.
Friday, April 26 View Page
I put my plants in the greenhouse during the day.
Friday, April 26 View Page
They look good after being transplanted into the bigger pots.
Sunday, April 28 View Page
I finished tilling the outside patch, it's ready for planting.
Wednesday, May 1 View Page
Plant update, they look okay, maybe a tad bit off. Their first true leaf just looks a little weird to me, maybe the soil mixture is a little low on something. I'm sure once I put them in the ground they'll perk up.
Sunday, May 5 View Page
Here's the plants today, they're looking better than a few days ago.
Sunday, May 5 View Page
I've decided that I'm going to grow 3 plants instead of 2. I'm going to expand the garden and plant one in front of the greenhouse.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
I planted the 2342 Stelts in the outside patch west. This is my best plant so far so I figured I'd give it the biggest spot.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
I put the 1953 Daletas in outside patch east.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
I put the 2227 Stelts in the greenhouse.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
I have a few other things growing in the corner of the patch. Carolina reaper pepper, giant sunflowers and a turks turban squash.
Monday, June 3 View Page
Time for an update. This is the 2227 Stelts, looks good so far. I have this one growing in the greenhouse underneath insect netting.
Monday, June 3 View Page
This is the 2342 Stelts, it looks pretty rough. The weather hasn't been great lately and I think it's taking its toll. It's supposed to warm up later this week, though.
Monday, June 3 View Page
This is the 1953 Daletas, looks not bad.
Monday, June 3 View Page
These are my giant sunflowers, they have been doing good despite the poor weather.
Monday, June 3 View Page
These are my giant cucumber plants. I'm going to plant them in the greenhouse.


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