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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 61 Entries.
Wednesday, January 7 View Page
Happy New Year! Nothing better then to be able to work the patch on January 5th. Gives plenty of time to let the mustard bomb go to work then a month or two for incorporating the good guys back into the soil. Mustard crop up over 5 feet and just about to seed.
Wednesday, January 7 View Page
I grew a summer and a winter crop this past season. The cooler weather really makes this stuff grow thick and full. Some of the stalks were like small trees,,,,, unlike the summer crop that grew very leggy.
Wednesday, January 7 View Page
Cut it down!
Wednesday, January 7 View Page
With 3 or 4 passes with the tiller,,, its gone. I went as deep as I could with this till.
Wednesday, January 7 View Page
Then I flooded the patch. It came to about 500 gallons per 1000 sq ft. I found last year covering with plastic and all that water just lead to more disease after the gas was complete. I know this from taking very pricy soil pathogen tests both before and after each mustard crop. Here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 17 View Page
Winter in California. Not a hot spot to be seen!
Tuesday, March 3 View Page
Dan, Tina,,,,,,,, you weren't kidding. Taking a shot at giant carrots this season. This is 3 plus weeks. I'm told it takes 7 to 12 months to fully mature. I'm a patient person but this is really going to test how patient I really am. Hope to have something to show for it about Christmas! lol Its Elk Grove time again this weekend so I guess this means I better start thinking pumpkins again. For the past 8 months I haven't thought about or worked on anything having to do with pumpkins. If you believe that,,,,,,,,,, your not truly obsessed with growing a giant!
Friday, March 13 View Page
Here's a picture of Kingston before we tilled our last crop of mustard. Like anaid_tecuod ( Vince ),,,,,, there maybe 7 feet of snow back east but I have 6 to 7 feet of this stuff to deal with......
Friday, March 13 View Page
Master P ( Dan ) you may like your giant carrots out in the snow but what we do here is,,,, cut a bit of the cover crop and set them in the perfectly shaded 75 degree temps to bask in the afternoon sun. Boy are they happy! ;) Bio fumigation has been going since last July,,,,,,,,,, I'm hoping it helps my situation a little. From what we've been seeing, things are going better then expected.
Friday, March 13 View Page
Looks like I need to clean the camera,,,,, boy that's blurry.
Monday, March 23 View Page
After seeing wixon-growers diary and a quick text with Mr. MacCoy,,,, it was time to get my just watered giant carrots to their final home. If it would of been up to me, these little guys would of stayed in the one gallon pots for another month. Dan had to really twist my arm to grow these by sending me a bubble! lol
Monday, March 23 View Page
Here's what the roots were doing in the bottom of the pot. Its only been a few weeks and I couldn't believe the growth of their roots! I thought giant pumpkins root systems only moved this fast........! Now I'm told to sit back, relax and have a ton of patience for the next 8 to 10 months.
Thursday, April 2 View Page
KC Kevin, just checking in to see how your tomatoes are coming along. I started 3 plants just as a trial run in 20 gallon pots. I have three nice ones just starting to move. Another giant veggie you really had to twist my arm and give a try Dan:) These things are a ton of fun and thanks for the tips so far during this early season planting! I'm ready and can't wait to get the real tomato plants going soon!
Thursday, April 2 View Page
Another on one of the other plants. Both tomatoes are at day 7 in the photos.
Sunday, April 19 View Page
Life is good! Thanks for patches and hats,,, you know who you are. Getting close as things are coming together for the 2015 year. Last years disease issues have been worked on since the plants were pulled end of June last year. Soil has " zero " pathogens and a plan is in place to hold off that nasty fusarium, pythium and a couple others I deal with. If things don't work out,,,,, I'm off to greener pastures the following year with a new patch.....
Saturday, May 9 View Page
Well, did some tomatoes during the end of winter here. KC Kevin wants to challenge me to a tomato weigh off this October so I thought I'd better practice. I've never grown giant tomatoes before so thought I should get a little practice before the season started. Here's the three plants I started in pots mid winter in the yard.
Saturday, May 9 View Page
I'll have to say. I had a really fun time. Once these things start moving,,,, they really move! This is my biggest fruit over 21 inches and still growing. Can't wait to plant them in the ground and see what they can do! Thanks Dan for all the help!
Saturday, May 23 View Page
Today was cutting and weighing day for the winter practice project. Some of the guys down here, Kevin Smith, KC Kevin and Jim Fredricks are going to do a little friendly competition this summer to see who can grow the largest tomato. Never growing giant tomatoes before I though I'd cheat a little a do a winter grow to try a learn a little. Dan M. said he'd give me a little advise and promised a 3 pounder. I grew 3 plants which all put out nice flowers and got three over 3 pounds! here's my two nicest fruit at 4.46 and 3.87! All I wanted was a 3 pound tomato and went well past that! Thanks for all the help Master and can't wait to see what they do in the ground! All three plants were pots.....
Saturday, May 23 View Page
My big one.
Saturday, May 23 View Page
I'll have to say,,,,,,,,,, these things are a real gas to grow! Now I better get busy and concentrate on my pumpkin plants!
Monday, May 25 View Page
Started a lot of seeds this year and here's what made the cut. 1676 Daletas 1719 Daletas 1614 Swearingen (2032 X 1985 ) And Kingston planted the 1834 Daletas. Looks like we have an all Oregon line up ;) Will post pictures as soon as they're down and running...
Tuesday, June 9 View Page
So there's this KC Kevin guy and this other man that goes by the name Firewood. I've been watching what they're up to this year. Kevin's changed just about everything and ready to get a good one to the scale this year. This Firewood guy and also Kevin are growing where they have 20,000 sq ft. 12 plus plants they're growing!!! I surly better step up my game this year. The house and the botanic patch will both be set up by end of the weekend. I think after that I may have to sneak around both their patches next week and see whats going on. Its a long drive but something that needs to be done. Next week its time for Norm's special spy tour to get to the bottom of things! To be continued.......
Saturday, June 20 View Page
There's a couple guys down south of me I was told are getting really serious this year. Reading through Norm's diary I thought it was about time to make a drive south on a spy mission..... After some time in the truck and no idea where I was I found the first site. I didn't want to get to close so this was taken from across a park about a half mile away. I saw someone in the backyard so I waited.
Saturday, June 20 View Page
Two hours later he went inside so I ran across the park to take a quick look over the fence..... Dude has some great tomatoes growing from some lady named Sue right up against his wall.
Saturday, June 20 View Page
I heard some noise, took one last picture and ran!!! Things looked good! New watering system, misters, shade, a few different timers,,,, things were looking good!!! I knew him and some other guy had this 20,000 sq ft patch they just started. So off I went in search of more growing area then anyone I know in this big city we live in.
Saturday, June 20 View Page
A couple hours later I found it. I had to run across this field and hide behind this dirt pile. What a site!! All I could see was plants, plants and more plants!! I think I counted over 12 giants growing in this area!
Saturday, June 20 View Page
I made a run for it and I was there! I ducked behind this wall and tried to figure out how to get in.... Barbed wire fence and it was hooked to an electrical outlet, hummm??? I unplugged it and made my way in! man,,, what a patch,,,,,, if I ever had patch envy it was now!!! They had it all set up with everything you'd need!!
Saturday, June 20 View Page
All the plants looked amazing! Each with more room then my whole backyard!!!
Saturday, June 20 View Page
Wow, the 777,,,,,,,,,, I saw a pattern here and after seeing John's 777 I knew what they were up to. Some of the best orange out there in this patch!! Some potential to go big as well! Very impressed I was! I saw a truck way off in the distance so made a run for it!! I think I forgot to plug the electric fence back in...... Hopefully they'll just think its one of the workers.
Thursday, July 2 View Page
Things have been good at the big patch. Its all I have after the wife and I found a new house and will be moving August 1st. If it wasn't for my kids and the school we want them in,,,,, I'd of stayed here until after the season. I have a 1676 in the yard and couldn't bring myself to take a picture of her knowing I was going to have to pull her in the next week or so.. The couple crops of mustard and resting the soil last year have really made for happy plants. I still need to keep my guard up for that mosaic that lurks around this patch. The stuff is around and can get me at anytime. There's only so much I can do to control mosaic so the goal is to just get to day 20 on the kins then continue to pray that Matt's theory is good.... Day 20 here I come!! Hope it stays away from you to Matt!! This is the 1719 Daletas. 30' wide in the back and ready to rumble.
Saturday, July 11 View Page
Early morning at the patch. This is the 1719 Daletas that is growing very well at this time. I planted 4 of these and picking the best was tough. All started were fast growers and easy to take care of.
Saturday, July 11 View Page
Shes filled in most of her 1000 plus square feet in only 9 weeks. Again I started a little later and the plants just seem to catch up to the summer. No feedings yet,,, just a strong routine for disease above and below the soil. Also spraying for bugs 300 feet around patch and so far so good keeping the mosaic buggers from getting in the zone.
Saturday, July 11 View Page
1719 Daletas stump at 9 weeks in the ground.
Saturday, July 11 View Page
On the other side of the patch I have the 1614 Swearingen ( 2032 X 1985 ) The plat has also been good and very easy to maintain. Its growing slower then the other and still has plenty of room to fill in. A very low to the ground plant with small leaves and wind doesn't effect it one bit.
Saturday, July 11 View Page
1614 from another angle. Lots of room for this one to grow. Both plants have pumpkins set on the main. The Daletas has a winner and I'm still waiting on three kins down the main to make my decisions on the 1614. Two are really good and one will be getting the axe this weekend. I'm very happy with what I see from the 1719 pumpkin so far,,,,, hopefully I'll get one to the end.
Sunday, July 12 View Page
Mr. Fredricks, KC Kevin,,,,,,,,,, here we go! This is all I have from the plants I started after the 3.87 and 4.46 were pulled at the beginning of the season. All others were pulled with the rest of the garden yesterday:( Having to move in a couple weeks and slowly prepping the house. Guess I'll just have to do my best from a pot... This baby guy is from the 4.46 Dunn. I have one of Dan's 8.41 about two weeks behind this one,,,,,, that baby has one of the biggest blooms I've ever had.
Sunday, July 12 View Page
These were just started and should be just perfect for Tanaka farms on the last day of October. I have the 6.88 MacCoy and the 4.46 Dunn. Dan told me one trick that he promises a 5 pounder even from a pot. he he he!
Wednesday, July 15 View Page
I'm trying not to tape like I usually do but after seeing this pumpkin grow the past ten days,,,, I couldn't resist. This ones for you donkin, 10 days and 41" circumference ;) I know it means nothing but this sure is fun!
Sunday, July 19 View Page
The 1719 Daletas is in position and ready for the next 110 plus days. I'm already having to lift her up and get sand under the front as she's already starting to lean forward. We've had a tropical storm moving over which hasn't happen in many, many years. 74 was the low the past two nights and 90 plus degrees and humid during the days. I had 8 inches of circumference number just last night. I've never had anything over 6 inches ever, ever, ever... Now I see why the guys in the warmer areas do such huge early number. A little heat and these things go nutzzzzzzz!!!! 20 day number is going to be fun!
Sunday, July 26 View Page
The weather has been right where a pumpkin grower wants it. Here's the next 10 days. Looks like I won't be able to use bad weather as excuse this year. I'll come up with something. lol
Friday, July 31 View Page
The next diary entry is just 10 days after my July 19th entry of my 1719 Daletas. ;)
Friday, July 31 View Page
This is day 30 for the 1719 Daletas. Its no Cecil weights but growing like nothing I've ever seen in my patch. It did 30 pounds on day 21 then jumped to 40 plus a night since. I'm just happy every day when I pull the sheet off shes still together. Day 30 is cc- 130, ee- 80, ss- 85 for and ott of 295 or 575 pounds.
Friday, July 31 View Page
Top view. These critter cages are killing me.
Friday, July 31 View Page
The 1719 plant is very healthy and still has the 4 secondaries directly behind the pumpkin growing.
Friday, July 31 View Page
Here's my 1614 Swearingen and she just hit day 20. Just over 80" in circumference. Doing very well but the plant is already showing signs of disease. The plant is huge so I'll see what I can get out of her. Shes getting an extra rotation of fungicides weekly so we'll see where it goes.
Friday, July 31 View Page
Well, with having to move mid summer,,,,,, the carrots had to be picked. Master P.,,,, you got me this year but I'm coming for you next year in the giant carrot category! lol These things grow slower then anything I have ever seen. I think I planted them in March and here they are. Really cool to see once pulled.
Friday, August 7 View Page
The 1719 Daletas is mid 700's for day 36. 200 pounds bigger then my best ever for the same day. ;) Will I be able to keep her healthy and chugging along,,,,,,,,, time will tell.....
Friday, August 7 View Page
Anthesis was used on the 1719. Lets see if I can go heavy for once!
Wednesday, August 12 View Page
Here's the 1719 Daletas at day 40. Her ott is at 335 and light years ahead of anything that's seen my patch.
Wednesday, August 12 View Page
I built a 5' X 6' foot critter cage because of the all the pumpkin eating animals at this location. The only reason I made it this big was because the plywood I had was already cut. I had no idea I would actually need something this large and if things continue the way they are,,,, I will be building a bigger one. Kingston's worked his way in for a picture.
Wednesday, August 12 View Page
Get me out of here dad, the sun is killing me! lol The circumference is at 160" and already larger then any cc I've ever had at the scale! Man this is fun!!!!!!
Friday, August 14 View Page
Team Faith, KC Kevin,,,,,,,, well my move just about killed me. I was looking so forward to growing some tomatoes for our competition this fall. Everything was pulled from the garden but I did keep a couple tomatoes going in pots.... This is one that made the move. I have two others about 3 weeks behind her. She tapes bigger then my 4.46 on the same week:) How are yours doing?
Monday, September 7 View Page
Here's a 16 inch plant that survived the move this summer. All my stuff planted in the ground was pulled so better then nothing. This is from the 8.41. Thanks for the seed Dan!
Monday, September 7 View Page
Using your kids helps make these things look huge! lol
Monday, September 7 View Page
I was a bit disappointed as she taped just under 24" Bigger then my 4.46 early this year. In a pot so I'll take it.
Saturday, October 31 View Page
We had our weigh off last weekend. Here's KC Kevin with his beautiful entry for pumpkinmania! Sorry its blurry Kevin.
Saturday, October 31 View Page
Michael ( somebody on here ) showed up with a nice entry for his first year!
Saturday, October 31 View Page
His pumpkin went just under 500 pounds and smoked my first year pumpkin by 300 pounds! Great job and I can't wait to see what you pull out of the patch next year!! With a neighbor like Vince I have a feeling your going to do very well.
Saturday, October 31 View Page
John showed up with one just under 500 as well. Another new grower and really excited about next year! Great meeting you John!
Saturday, October 31 View Page
Mae has been coming to pumpkinmania sense it started 15 years ago. She's pushing 100 years old and just loves pumpkins! Always nice to see her and hear her enthusiasm when talking pumpkins. Its the only picture I took of my pumpkin at the weigh off just in front of her. It was a fun day. We all struggled with disease and the drought this year. Some of the guys could only water twice a week due to water restrictions. I didn't take any other pictures. KC Kevin took 3rd, Vince ( Gourdzilla ) took 2nd and some how some way I managed 1st with a pumpkin that went heavy for once and landed at 867 pounds and passed Vince by 9 pounds! Sorry Vince:)
Saturday, October 31 View Page
Oh yea, KC Kevin won the Howard Dill with this gorgeous pumpkin! Its the most perfect pumpkin I've ever seen in person. Perfect shape, shinny and bright orange. I have a feeling your going to be getting a few bubbles this year from those orange growers like Cecil!


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