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wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) - 2017 Grower Diary Point your RSS aggregator here to subscribe to this Grower Diary.

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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 208 Entries.
Monday, January 2 View Page
THE GREAT TOMATO HOAX OF 2016 !!! (O: At least i know how Big a 12.36 pound tomato would BE !!!
Monday, January 2 View Page
The flower bud of the 6.23 Megazac !!!
Monday, January 2 View Page
Here is the 6.23 Megazac on 2 DAP
Monday, January 2 View Page
This was the stem on the 6.23 Megazac
Monday, January 2 View Page
Here is the 6.13 Megazac in front and the second plant is the 6.23 Megazac (monster)
Monday, January 2 View Page
The 6.23 Megazac(monster) is the one being held up by the stem. the stem was as thick as a shovel handle and like wood !!! and the other tomato is the 6.13 Megazac. I held these two tomatoes together to get at picture of my 12.36 lbs tomato !!! (o:
Monday, January 2 View Page
This is the 5.95 Domingo !!! This tomato was on world record pace before i had to pick it on day 29 due to a soft spot !
Monday, January 2 View Page
the 5.95 was still growing 1/2" a day or a 1/4 pound a day when it went down.
Monday, January 2 View Page
One more try with posting the 12.36 hoax. hope this one works.
Monday, January 2 View Page
Here is another scale for the 6.23 and 6.13 Megazac tomato's
Monday, January 2 View Page
Here are many of the tomatoes picked at this time !!! all their weights are taped on them. Including the 5.61 MEGADOM !!! putting all the smaller tomatoes in front made the smaller ones look bigger than they were.
Monday, January 2 View Page
The Big Three !!! The 5.61 Megadom was only a double flower, so i have high hopes for this new veriety to as it tends to put out a lot of nice mega blooms.
Tuesday, January 3 View Page
I here that the DEA has been watching Bnot's house because of his electric bills for his winter grow project !!! (o:
Tuesday, January 3 View Page
here is my megadom flower, decent for indoor growing, but nothing compaired to bnots plants.
Tuesday, January 3 View Page
here is my megazac flower and i crossed it with my megadom flower !!! i hope it takes. i will try to make a few more crosses, but i only have these two plants to work with this year.
Sunday, January 8 View Page
bnot i think that this was the 12 lbs. of tomatoes on one stem that you were thinking of ?
Saturday, January 14 View Page
not much, scrawny plant and small pollination, but this is a megazac x megadom cross. this will probably olny get to 6 oz. at best, but its only for seeds anyways.
Tuesday, January 31 View Page
i wont to enter my winter tomato that i grew two years ago ! (o:
Tuesday, January 31 View Page
something tells me that this tomato was the begining of growing tomatos in the winter ?
Wednesday, February 1 View Page
this is my new cross the megazac x megadom. about the size of a golf ball.
Thursday, February 2 View Page
to me this is more impressive than just one ten pound tomato !
Saturday, February 4 View Page
My cat did not see her shadow. That means we will have an early spring !!!
Saturday, February 4 View Page
wa-La.... A clear picture from my new cell phone !!! (0:
Wednesday, February 8 View Page
This is the only change that i think you need to make on the GPC tomato entry form. Change the word cross and change it to PARENT SEEDS Female ____________ Male ______________ VARIETY___________
Saturday, February 11 View Page
Here is the way i packaged my seeds. I listed the weight and my name first and then put the veriety name under it. Here is the family tree to my seeds and new crosses.
Saturday, February 11 View Page
This is the actual picture of the 1.2 lbs megazac cross. 5.51 megamarv x 8.41 MacCoy(bigzac)
Saturday, February 11 View Page
Here is the wixom slammer cross. It was 9.6 oz. i thought it was 9 oz, but i was wrong.
Saturday, February 11 View Page
This was the only picture that i took of the megadom tomato. Only 6 oz. It was always smaller than the slammer crosses so that is why i never took pictures of it.
Saturday, February 11 View Page
Here is this winters cross 6.23 konieczny megazac x 5.61 konieczny megadom It will be approximately 6 oz when it turns red.
Saturday, February 11 View Page
This is the reverse cross 5.61 konieczny megadom x 6.23 konieczny megazac They were pollinated on January 3 so i guess that they are 39 days old now so they should start turning any day now.
Tuesday, February 14 View Page
I grew these sunflowers back in 2002 at about 16'-6" so i thought that i might try them again this year.
Thursday, February 23 View Page
No ice on the pond or in the ground on febuary 23 in michigan. Where is all the ice fishing at ???
Thursday, February 23 View Page
Even found this wollybear caterpillar running around today.
Thursday, February 23 View Page
Here is the picture for the first post.
Tuesday, February 28 View Page
Wow, this is DAP 56 and still green !!! The cool bacement really slows down the ripening process !!!
Tuesday, February 28 View Page
Here is a scrawny side branch that is turning into a small ribbon vine on the 6.23 megazac. Hope that it is a good sign that this may become a common trait !!! To small right now to see how much of the stem will feed the flower, but i will keep it posted as it grows out.
Friday, March 3 View Page
Look at what i found, a pork chop tomato !!! LOL...(0: Honestly i was expecting a little bit more from it ???
Thursday, March 9 View Page
Yesterday we had winds of 60 mph. All day long and dte had over 900,000 costumers without power the most power outages ever on record in this area. I saw over 50 spuce trees uprooted myself. At this subdivision enterance around 15 trees uprooted and only one left standing. Never seen such a windy day before. Just glad it wasn't summer time when all the trees would have had leaves on them, the dammage would have been 10 times worse !!!
Thursday, March 9 View Page
Local landfill after 60 mph. Winds.
Saturday, March 11 View Page
Started my peppers already, as they need a little more time to grow than tomatoes do.
Saturday, March 11 View Page
My smaller tomato cross is showing color today, so i expect that the other one should start changing in the next few days. Finally !!!
Monday, March 13 View Page
Well today is day 69 and i finally have color on my second crossed tomato.
Thursday, March 16 View Page
Here they are the two new crosses !!! Now i need to give them a name? Im thinking MegaMut !!!
Thursday, March 16 View Page
The first one is only 6.3 oz.
Thursday, March 16 View Page
The 8.9 konieczny !!! A New World Record !!! LOL... (0:
Thursday, March 16 View Page
Went to mark Clementz house this evening and picked up my 2nd place plaque today ! Thanks mark.
Thursday, March 16 View Page
Met chris kent and marv mitchel today at mark Clementz house. I gave chris kent some growing tips, he will probably never grow a big watermellon ever again !!! Lol.. (0: great guy chris kent. Marks not in the picture only because someone had to take the picture !
Saturday, March 18 View Page
Got my load of garden dirt !!!
Saturday, March 18 View Page
Nice spring snow fall this morning.
Sunday, March 19 View Page
Well here are the seeds to the first tomato that i crossed their are about 170 seeds.if anyone is interested in giving them a try, give me your address in an email and i will send you 3 seeds.
Thursday, March 23 View Page
Here are a few orchids that i have gotten to rebloom this year.
Thursday, March 23 View Page
It was about 4 years ago when this one last bloomed due to neglect. Its was so long ago, i couldn't even remember what the flower was going to look like. (0:
Sunday, March 26 View Page
Went to the michigan giant growers spring meeting yesterday and it is always great to see all the other growers. Also recieved my giant tomato plaque and mark Clementz personaly congratulated me as i recieved it in front of everyone ! Very classy of Mark.
Sunday, March 26 View Page
A little gap here in the michigan tomato competition. Hope that we can inspire more michigan grower to give giant tomatoes a try !!!
Sunday, March 26 View Page
I planted a few practice seeds from the megamutt cross and they are up in 4 days. Looking good.
Friday, March 31 View Page
Just received my 3rd place ribbon for the indoor winter challange !!! Thanks Rob !!!
Saturday, April 1 View Page
Here is something new, a 4 leaf tomato plant !!! Cant tell if it will be a ribbon vine or a double stem yet? It may just be a singe stem i should know in a few days. This is just a burpee supersteak tomato not a compitition plant.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Well my 4 leaf tomato plant did not become a ribon vine, but it grew into 2 seperate leadear instead !!!
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Here is my cold frame that i put all my vegies in to grow sturdy.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
This is the inside. I put a small space heater in their for nights that go below 40° i set the heater at the lowest temp of 55° this year i have only used it on 3 nights. Warm spring so far.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Here is a close up of how the plants are doing in the cold frame.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Going to try a couple watermellon again this year. My personal best was 155 lbs about 4 years ago.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Spring time in michigan. The chrismas tree is a 20 foot norway spruce the weeping bonsia tree is a camper down elm behind that is a magnolia tree the deep purple tree is a dwarf crimson king maple and the large white tree is a dogwood tree.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
Tulips in the back yard. Not as good as last year squirels dug up many of them last summer.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
These tulips did good this year, but i didn't put enough deer repelent on and they started eating the flower buds off before they bloomed.
Wednesday, April 26 View Page
This is the inside of my cold frame. I see the wrong picture went up on that post ???
Monday, May 1 View Page
Guess what it is ?
Monday, May 1 View Page
These were my tomato entry forms on last years tomatoes and how my crosses were made.
Monday, May 1 View Page
Here are the number i received from my 3 crosses last year. I gave everyone a chance at all 3 crosses but it seems that everyone just wonted to try the wixim slammer. Only rick spaziani tried a megadom and no one tried the megazac but me. I wonder how many people kept the other two crosses and will plant them this year? Only two planted and both went over 6 lbs. Prety good average if you ask me !!! (0:
Monday, May 1 View Page
Here are the number i received from my 3 crosses last year. I gave everyone a chance at all 3 crosses but it seems that everyone just wonted to try the wixim slammer. Only rick spaziani tried a megadom and no one tried the megazac but me. I wonder how many people kept the other two crosses and will plant them this year? Only two plants planted and both grew one over 6 lbs. Prety good average if you ask me !!! (0:
Sunday, May 21 View Page
These are the seeds that i plan on planting today. Only one big zac the rest are new crosses Portuguese monster domingo and steakhouse witch i forgot to put up their. I will leave the bigzac to all you other tomato growers and i will work with the new verieties !!!
Monday, June 12 View Page
I have never seen the leaves turn so yellow before ??? The plant and leaves look healthy but very deep yellow color. I hope that this means a howard dill orange pumpkin !!! (0:
Wednesday, June 14 View Page
These are my second and last late crop of gaint tomatoes. Hope to get them in the ground this weekend. My first crop got neglected because i have been to buisy with my work this year. But the same thing happend last year to me and somehow i managed to pull a rabbit out of my hat !!! So maybe i can do it again this year too !!! (0:
Saturday, June 17 View Page
I have not been able to take care of my Competition tomatoes this year. I planted them and watered them the first day and have not been able to do anything since. My water pump went down 10 days ago and then the heat came without any water. Hope that i can still salvage this first round of competition tomatoes. I still have the second round as a back up.
Saturday, June 17 View Page
These are my eating tomatoes. Suprised that they look this good since i haven't done anything for them this year. I still need to plant zuchini and summer squash still. Way way behind this year.
Monday, July 3 View Page
Someone call garden protective services on me and said that I have 10 days to clean up my garden or they will take it away from me ! This is my pumpkin plant !!!
Monday, July 3 View Page
Well I weeded the beans now the peppers are on the other side of my walking board. I call this my garden camouflage !!! The critters can't find any of my vegetable plants in here !!! (0:
Monday, July 3 View Page
Here are my gaint tomatoes also known as slammer Ally !!! LOL... (0:
Monday, July 3 View Page
Here are my gaint tomatoes also known as slammer Ally !!!. (0: look closely and you will see some tomato leaves in all that camouflage !!! LOL... (0:
Monday, July 3 View Page
Lookie at what I found in all my camouflage ! My critter cage !!! I'm going to need this after I pull a ll my weeds and expose all my plants !!!
Monday, July 3 View Page
Well I cleaned up my peppers and only pulled out two plant while weeding ! I cannot use my rototiller because the weeds are about one foot tall So everything will have to be pulled by hand .
Monday, July 3 View Page
These are my butternut squash plants that were next to the peppers . Again I had to pull all the weeds by hand. There we as no way to till the weeds in at the size these weeds were.
Monday, July 3 View Page
These are my butternut squash plants that were next to the peppers . Again I had to pull all the weeds by hand. There we as no way to till the weeds in at the size these weeds were.
Monday, July 3 View Page
There is my pumpkin plant ! Doing pretty good considering all the neglect.
Monday, July 3 View Page
Well this is slammer Rowe 10 days later !!! I was surprised that the plants were ok with all the neglect I gave them.
Monday, July 3 View Page
Here is one of my 6.23 megazac all 5 megazac have a good megabloom on them.
Monday, July 3 View Page
Another flower on a different plant
Monday, July 3 View Page
Another flower on a different 6.23 magazac plant
Monday, July 3 View Page
A little ribbon vinning on this megamutt (z) plant.
Monday, July 3 View Page
This picture was suppose to go with my butternut squash post !!!
Monday, July 3 View Page
I also planted my last crop of gaint tomatoes today.this is the size of plant that I like to plant.
Monday, July 3 View Page
A better look at the size of tomato plant that I like to plant. This size or smaller is best. I think that any larger and you won't get the root support you need to grow that first truss megabloom.
Thursday, July 6 View Page
Here is my new water pump for my garden and the swamp that I pump from. This is a duro max water pump 7 hp. 2" intake And only cost $179 from home Depot web site.. I couldn't find any pump any where for less than $400
Friday, July 7 View Page
My megazac megablooms tend to be large and balanced.
Friday, July 7 View Page
Here is a nice megabloom on my 5.91 Domingo. I lost 3 megablooms on the Domingo plants, I believe due to the lack of care early on.
Friday, July 7 View Page
This one is on a burpee steakhouse plant. I grew my very first 3 pounder with this veriety two years ago. I thought that I would give it another try.
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
Here is a nice one on my 6.23 megazac.
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
This is the front side of that same 6.23 megazac
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
This is my first pollination and largest so far on a burpee steakhouse plant.
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
I have a lot of tomatoes like this right now.
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
This is slammer Rowe !!! I hope they all do good this year. My other group of plants are about 3 weeks behind these. Those should be ready for the October weighoffs.
Wednesday, July 12 View Page
My pumpkin is late but I just had my first pollination yesterday.
Friday, July 14 View Page
Haven't been to the garden in two days and then I see this when I get their this morning ! A critter mad a salad out of my pumpkin plant !
Friday, July 14 View Page
A closer look ! He ate the leaves but none of the tip !
Friday, July 14 View Page
He also spared the pumpkin for now !!! I set the live trap and hope to catch it before he does any more damage to the garden.
Saturday, July 15 View Page
Well I caught the little critter, hope it will be the only one, but we all know that I am just dreaming !!!
Monday, July 17 View Page
Just realized that my selfie camera on my cell phone can take picture 10 times more clear than the main camera !!! The lens on the main camera is so scuffed up that the camera focuses in on the scuffing of the lens not on the focal point. The odd thing with the selfie pictures is that the pictures come out reverse of the picture that I am taking ???
Monday, July 17 View Page
Some of my megablooms took some are growing rather slow ? We had rain all last week and it seems to make the plants grow faster and my tomatoes abort or grow slower ? Same thing is happening to my squash. With so much rain the squash or fruit stop growing and abort and the plants are growing much faster.
Monday, July 17 View Page
Not expecting much from my first crop of tomatoes but they may surprise me, i hope that my later crop does better.
Monday, July 17 View Page
This is the size of my second crop of plants. Some of them are now showing their first flower buds.
Monday, July 17 View Page
A lot of critter damage to my plant but he spared the pumpkin. Hope that their is enough plant left to feed the pumpkin. Lucky that I'm not cometetive with my pumpkin. Just grow them for fun and to display on the front porch or sell them ?
Monday, July 17 View Page
Ok let's try this again
Monday, July 17 View Page
I tried to fix that picture 3 times but I can't do it. O well !!!
Sunday, July 23 View Page
I have about 6 tomatoes near this size all about 16 D A P. Nothing special but hope they will finnish over 5 lbs.
Sunday, July 23 View Page
This one is on a megadom plant.
Sunday, July 23 View Page
Here is a megabloom on one of Dale thurber crosses a portugese x 6.51 delicious
Sunday, July 23 View Page
Sorry about the upsidedown pictures. To get clear pictures I need to use my selfie camera and then turn the phone around to take a picture. I clearly haven't mastered the backward technique yet ! LOL.... (0:
Monday, July 24 View Page
Photo practice !!! Using my selphie camera is completely reverse of what I have been use to. Here are my complete topped off plants with tomatoes on them !!! Slightly more plant than last year ! Courious on if it will make a difference ?
Monday, July 24 View Page
I to seems to be working. This is a megadom.
Monday, July 24 View Page
LOL.... Even the numbers come out backwards on the tape using the selfie camera. This one is on a 6.13 megazac
Saturday, July 29 View Page
My Nectarine tree is so loaded that it is about to split !!! So I will try to trim the tree back to save it from self destuction.
Sunday, July 30 View Page
I have around 6 tomatoes at 19"
Sunday, July 30 View Page
Here is another one on a megazac plant.
Sunday, July 30 View Page
Here is another one on a megazac plant.
Sunday, July 30 View Page
Some new megablooms for october weighoffs
Sunday, July 30 View Page
This is a Dale Thurber cross. Portugese x 6.51(mesiner)Delicious
Tuesday, August 1 View Page
This is my last chance at a nice Domingo
Tuesday, August 1 View Page
Another nice 6.23 megazac flower
Tuesday, August 1 View Page
Here is a nice portugese monster
Tuesday, August 1 View Page
This one is on a Dale Thurber cross Portugese monster x 6.21 delicious i think that i might have a chance at the big money this year at the michigan weighoff $25 for first place !!! (0:
Thursday, August 3 View Page
Wow yesterday i wasn't sure that tjis one was going to take !!! Nice suprize. Again this is a dale Thurber cross portugese monster x Delicious
Thursday, August 3 View Page
Here is the other portugese monster x Delicious cross. Almost identical !!!
Friday, August 4 View Page
Here is one of my megamutt D tomatoes. Suprized that i didn't get any megablooms on these ?
Friday, August 4 View Page
This is a 6.23 megazac i think i have another two weeks before they start turning ? Polination dates around july 7-8
Friday, August 4 View Page
Another. Megazac tomato growing a little slower this year but last year was much hotter year. Maybe they will grow longer this year in the cooler weather !!!
Friday, August 4 View Page
Here is a picture for the last post
Friday, August 4 View Page
Here is one on my 5.61 megadom. So far i have not suported any of my tomatoes with hamicks yet nor have i covered them from the sun !!! Haven't had the time to get to them this year.
Sunday, August 6 View Page
Bnot it is more common rhan you think. I get this on all my heavely pruned plants. But i found last year that when the leaf is ready to die that the suckers die along with it. I was hoping that it would have made the leaf last longer but it was not the case.
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
This is on the 6.23 megazac still chugging along.
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
The other 6.23 Megazac
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
This one is on the 6.13 Megazac
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
This is the other 6.13 Megazac
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
This one is on a 5.61 Megadom
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
Here is a megamutt plant that i cut all the way down and started over instead of pulling it. The plant is skimpy but the tomato is 20" now. I have 3 megamut tomatoes and all 3 look like this.
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
Here is the picture for that last post
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
Had high hopes for this Domingo megabloom but it looks like ots a divided tomato !!! :0( i had 6 domingo plants and none of the megablooms took this year.
Tuesday, August 8 View Page
This is the second megabloom on a Dale thurber cross it to looks like a divided tomato.
Friday, August 11 View Page
Picked this megamutt D tomato today had a soft spot on it. It measured 21" so it was right to scale. But this is ok because this plant had a better one to replace it with.
Friday, August 11 View Page
Here is the replacement tomato for the one i just picked. All 3 of my megamutts gave only double flowers on their first set. That was disappointing. But maybe this will make up for it.
Friday, August 11 View Page
I don't think this first round will be as big as last years. I think that these will probably be turning in about a week ?
Friday, August 11 View Page
This one is taping around 4.5 lbs right now. Should get to 5 lbs in a few days.
Monday, August 14 View Page
Hey bnot here is a nice ribbon vine on a 6.13 megazac !!! I know you were watching for a good one on the 6.23 but this will have to do.
Monday, August 14 View Page
Here are two giant megablooms on the same megamutt D plant. Whitch one should i keep ? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions ????? Can't seem to make one !!!
Monday, August 14 View Page
Hey Garden Rebel take a look at my megazac that i found in the weeds !!! Lol...(0:
Monday, August 14 View Page
O.k. the tape may have got hung up in the back of the tomato on that last picture, but this is the real measurement of that same tomato from the back side of it. (0:
Monday, August 14 View Page
Look at all those suckers on this Domingo leaf ? I always find this facinating that a tomato plant leaf can due that.
Friday, August 18 View Page
DeJaVu !!!! Another massive ribbon vine megabloom but this one is on a 6.13 megazac !!! Hope that i have enough time to grow this one !!!
Friday, August 18 View Page
Here is a picture of slammer rowe !!! The Eclipse is already comming into my garden !!! Lol....(0:
Saturday, August 19 View Page
Well look at that, it only takes 33" circumference to get a 10 lbs tomato !!! (0:
Saturday, August 19 View Page
Here is one off a 6.13 megazac a bit smaller than last years.
Saturday, August 19 View Page
Here is another one again off a 6.13 megazac.
Saturday, August 19 View Page
All 3 tomatoes came off a 6.13 megazac.
Saturday, August 19 View Page
These are the pickings for today !!! The 4.40 came pff a megadom and the 3.88 came off a megamutt D
Saturday, August 19 View Page
Picked one off a 6.23 megazac today at 4.35 lbs
Sunday, August 20 View Page
Sorry Qtip haven't you heard , i have already Won !!! (0:
Monday, August 21 View Page
Thats right, i have not pick my big one yet !!! Guess the weight i plan on picking it on wensday
Wednesday, August 23 View Page
Well here it is only 5.83 lbs. I qas a little disappointed about that but soon saw why after i picked it !!!
Wednesday, August 23 View Page
The tomato was growing upside down the whole time and i knew that the stem was split, but i realy couldn't see the size of the void in the core area ? It was about the size of a golf ball !!! Their is no damage in their just a void.
Thursday, August 24 View Page
It's hard to see, but all these suckers are growing off two seperate leaves stems and these suckers are also developing flower buds on them. It looks like a little tomato forest growing. This is on a domingo plant that was topped and then lost the tomato to BER... but the plant now has a new tomato set on it but i think that i will let these suckers grow out just to see what they can do ?
Friday, August 25 View Page
Here is that ribbon vine megabloom on a 6.13 megazac plant that i showed earlyer. To early to say if it will take or not ?
Friday, August 25 View Page
Here is another crazy ribbon vine that i found !!!.i am getting alot of late season ribbon vinning mainly on suckers in heavy pruned areas.
Friday, August 25 View Page
Now this is on a megamuutt plant. I have 4 megamutt plants with tomatoes like this on late season plants, but i couldn't get these kind of megablooms on my early plantings. The early plantings just wonted to put out singles and doubles. Kind of odd to see that. The same thing with my domingos, They seem to do better in the late season.
Saturday, August 26 View Page
Here are my 3 biggest tomatoes so far. The two smaller ones are from the 6.13 konieczny(megazac) and the 5.83 is from the 6.24 konieczny(megazac) Tim Pennington was the winner of my contest so i willl send him at least 10 seeds from the 5.83 and some seeds from both 6.13 and 6.24 megazac's
Saturday, August 26 View Page
Here was the measurement of the 5.83 from the only angle that i could really see while it was growing. It had a short stem and i really couldn't see the other side of the tomato untill i picked it.
Saturday, August 26 View Page
As you can see the void inside the stem area was about the size of a golfball.
Saturday, August 26 View Page
You know me, i can't resist !!! 16.78 lbs of tomato !!! (0:
Sunday, August 27 View Page
A never ending megabloom !!!! Not expecting anything from this but interesting !!!
Sunday, August 27 View Page
A 3 way megabloom !!! Again interesting but probably to much and probably wont develope in the center ?
Sunday, August 27 View Page
Here is the back side of that megabloom !!!
Tuesday, August 29 View Page
Well it looks like my ribbon vine. Tomato has taken and is beginning to grow !!! I may have to build a greenhouse over thos one so that it can make 10 lbs.
Tuesday, August 29 View Page
Here is the top side of that last megabloom
Tuesday, August 29 View Page
Here is my new ribbon vine. !!! Can't tell how big this megabloom is going to be because it is still developing !!! Looks like a 20 pounder on this one !!! (0:
Tuesday, August 29 View Page
Here is the other side of that ribbon vine !!! I think that the flower is going to weight 10 lbs. (0:
Thursday, August 31 View Page
This measurement on Qtips tomato looks i little suspicious ??? Looks like he is folding the tape to me !!! (0: you don't think that he is pulling a Big Tomato Scam. ???
Thursday, August 31 View Page
Here is a picture of udo tomato off a facebook posting
Friday, September 1 View Page
Here is that 3 way megabloom from last week growing nicely so far.
Wednesday, September 6 View Page
Look at all the suckers where i topped this plant and on the leaf stem.
Wednesday, September 6 View Page
These suckers growing off these two seperate leaf stems. Some are 14" long with their own flower buds !!!
Wednesday, September 6 View Page
I pruned off those suckers to help give this Domingo tomato a late season a chance !!!
Thursday, September 14 View Page
Aug 3 i had this dale thurber cross portugese monster x delicious and looked like it had alot of potential !
Thursday, September 14 View Page
Well this is how it turned out ? Not to impressive. Yes it is one fully attached tomato but it did tear in half after i picked it.
Thursday, September 14 View Page
It suprized me that it weighed 3 lbs 5 oz. But not all megablooms grow that big.
Monday, September 18 View Page
Here is a soil test that i got back in 2014 this was for pumpkins not tomatoes. What i need to learn is how to find the right products to apply and how to apply them for small areas not acerage ? I hope to do another soil test late this fall and take it to my spring seminar and hope that i can get helpfull advice their.
Wednesday, September 20 View Page
Well im picking some of my last tomatoes 10 days before the earlyest weighoff and 17 days before the dundee weighoff. Not even sure these will make sept 30 but i will try. The problem is that they all have small dammage spots already and it wii be tough to keep it from spreading.the 3 biggest ones here are megazacs two over 4 lbs. I still have a domingo at 21" and still prety green. Im hopping that one makes it to dundee in 17 days but the plant it in bad shape.
Sunday, September 24 View Page
This megazac is around 4 pounds but you can see that blight has pretymuch finnished off my plants.
Sunday, September 24 View Page
This domingo may be my best one for October 7 Dundee weighoff. It may still be green when i take it their in two weeks.
Sunday, September 24 View Page
We have had a very dry summer over here witch has caused many trees to turn color and drop leaves 3-4 weeks early. I never had to clean this many leaves this early before ???
Sunday, September 24 View Page
Here are two tomatoes that i would like to take to st johns weighoff next week !!! Hope this one stays over 4 lbs by next week ???
Saturday, September 30 View Page
Here is the picture of the 5.95 konieczny(Domingo)
Saturday, September 30 View Page
Here is the 8.22 porkchop(Domingo)
Friday, October 6 View Page
Here is my 8lb tomato headed for minnesota tomorrow !!! Lol....(0: well at least i have a tomato to show for dundee tomorrow. Not as big as you think !!! This is off my 5.95 Domingo
Monday, October 16 View Page
He are my winter tomatoes for crossing this year. The 5.95 domingo the 6.23 megazac and 5.30 big zac.. I hope to cross more big zac back into the domingo and the megazac. So this is my winter chalange but i grow mostly for the seeds not size. I dont have the room to grow them all in seperate pots. So i grow them all in one 10 gallon pot instead. Its worked for me the last two years so i will stick with it.
Monday, October 16 View Page
Look at. What came in the mail today !!! A gardening journal and seeds from porkchops 8.22 Domingo and 5.68 Domingo whitch i won in the guess the weight contest.thanks porkchop !!!
Friday, November 3 View Page
My seedless orange tree is full of flowers this year ! First time with so many !
Sunday, December 17 View Page
Well these are my new winter project tomatoes.i have 2 Domingo, 2 Megazac, 2 Bigzac for crossing this winter. I had to start over after thanksgiving because i totally neglected the first plantings. Not sure if the will be ready before april 1st but i will try. My bacement is only 64° so my plants grow about half the speed of Bnots plants.keep up the good work bnot, your project is fun to watch.
Monday, December 18 View Page
What is wrong with hitch hicking !!!
Friday, December 29 View Page
Its 12 days since my last post and Their comming along prety good. Not trying to grow size but just trying to make new crosses. So i put two plants in each pot to give myself a better chance.
Friday, December 29 View Page
They look prety sturdy for me, right now i have them in a one gallon pot and i will transplant them into 3 gallon pots soon. Im limited on space with only one light and 20 house plants under the same light. Im just to cheep to due what bnot does.keep it up rob your project is fun to watch. Rob you can see why i wont to cross the bigzac back into my megazac. Just look at the differance between your megamut plant compaired to your bigzac plant. They can grow completely different.


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