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Altitude (to)maters (Scott) - 2024 Grower Diary Point your RSS aggregator here to subscribe to this Grower Diary.

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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 37 Entries.
Friday, January 5 View Page
Finally got a little time to start working on tomato stuff. Work went crazy this year for the Hollidays. Usually construction slows way down. But this year it's insane. Now I'm way behind with my asking growers for tomato seeds for our club auction, and updating the tomato genetics tree with this years tomatoes. That crazy brown seed is going to make me have to rearrange the whole chart to make all the tomatoes grown from it fit.
Friday, January 5 View Page
Poor Big Zac tree. This is the last tomato to make it into the 7+lb and only one from 2021. None in 2022 or 2023. Kicking around the idea of doing a "Bring back Big Zac" lot for our club auction. If there are no Big Zac next year I will probably chop that side of the genetics tree off archive it and save room for the ever expanding Domingo tree. I'm a sucker for an underdog so I'm rooting for ya BigZac.
Saturday, January 6 View Page
Look at all the baby flowers on the overwinter clone of the 9.65.
Saturday, January 6 View Page
Might be one or two megas. Plant seems to love it in the southern window with the sun at such a low angle this time of year.
Saturday, January 13 View Page
It's -11° outside but the 9.65 is starting to flower inside.
Saturday, January 13 View Page
It's -11° outside but the 9.65 is starting to flower inside.
Thursday, January 25 View Page
Working on the RMGVG auction list. This is a sneak peak at my "bring back Big Zac" lot. A lot of good and interesting Zac maters.
Thursday, January 25 View Page
Also doing a megadom and megazac (bring back Big Zac pt2)
Thursday, February 1 View Page
Google's A.I. called "Bard" just introduced drawing images. Figured I'd give it a go "Farmer holding a giant tomato" pretty good.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
They seem to have made it a point to make the thing very inclusive. Not every photo is of a white male lol. It did a great job on the tomato I added the line "more realistic" for this one.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
It seems to be better at creating logos than the other image generators i've tried.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
hit and miss I guess ha ha ha.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
A.I. is just amazing honestly. You might have to try several times but you can just talk to it like a normal person and it will adjust the image how you want it.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
So you get busy and don't watch your plants and they quit growing......hummmmm
Saturday, March 2 View Page
So what is going on with my overwintering 9.65. it is the bacterial wilt from last year??? Oh wait what is under the leaf?!?!?. UGH.white flies......for frick sake..... seriously. Hello Amazon one case of Neem oil please.....
Monday, May 6 View Page
A few weeks ago I selected my seeds. Too much work and such. Could someone slow down my life please and thank you.
Monday, May 6 View Page
Going to stage the plantings this year. First batch.
Monday, May 6 View Page
Just an update the 9.65 overwintering didn't make it. The white flies were too much and for some reason the roots never really took off.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
Butternut 103 jarosh
Thursday, May 9 View Page
Butternut 103 jarosh
Sunday, May 12 View Page
And the first tomato up is the......(Drum roll).....9.06 Brown Why does this not surprise me.
Sunday, May 12 View Page
Second tomato up......do you do a drum roll for the second tomato or only the first...hummm. anywho.....7.94 LaRue Again not a surprise. Those two seeds are beasts and have both are in a very select club having grown a 10+ lb tomato.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Had problems with seeds sprouting again this year :(. I used a different starter dirt. Went from miracle gro to black gold but it didn't seem to make a difference. Silly tomatoes.....sigh.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Finally finally FINALLY..... Found some free time to post and get things ready. (Stupid work.....I think maybe I take my job too seriously) Anywho..... Look what I got....a Megabloom. Sadly is on one of our eating maters (Cherokee purple) ha ha ha. I hope the competition tomatoes take note. I started the tomatoes a bit later than the last few years to see how that goes.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
And of course we haven't had rain in a couple weeks until I go out to start the new patch. The way I work in the garden must look like a rain dance to the gods.....I guess at least it's not too hot.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Out with the old in with the new.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
The 100+ year old rhubarb plant I rescued from Wyoming is doing gang busters this year.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Now it's starting to look like something. At least it stopped raining.....kinna
Saturday, June 8 View Page
I was missing the secret sand last year. I'm sure that was my downfall. Not this year. I have plenty this year. I got this sand two years ago (my first year growing) I needed it for the nasty hard clay here plus I knew that it has special properties. It couldn't be used for construction sand because it deteriorated. This is because it has lots of calcite, gypsum and other soluble minerals. I figured it might be good for my patch. Then this winter I was doing research on humic and fulvic acid. Come to find out it is derived from lignite coal veins. Well it just so happens that the creek (sand draw) cuts several coal veins. So this sand should have some ancient organics from this also. We will see.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
This is the new patch after spending several hours beating the weeds knee high+ into submission.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Another day of work on the raised box. Layer of sand then a layer of half decomposed leaves.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Minecraft dirt blocks IRL. If you know know ask your kids or any gamer. They will laugh. :)
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Getting there.....
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Phew.... Done. Oh look at that. Like a blank canvas waiting for an artist. Ok state record tomato you will grow here. Still got a bit of work to get the watering system rearranged for this new box.
Monday, June 10 View Page
TaDa! Plants in the new box. (Hopefully bacteria free this year). Around a week later that I wanted but it will be fine. It will be interesting to see how the plants grow with a later start. 9.06 Brown health plant.
Tuesday, June 11 View Page
7.94 LaRue. This seed was great last year for me before that which must not be named happened.
Thursday, June 13 View Page
Got the watering system set up. In a few days the other tomatoes should be ready for the bed. I really wish work would slow down a bit. It's hard to do everything I want to do with it being so crazy.


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