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Friday, January 08, 2010 Dutch Brad Netherlands

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Due to health reasons I have had to cut back my garden considerably. This year I have about 4500 sq ft instead of the 7500 sq ft last year.

This year I will have one double allotment (clay) and one single allotment (sandy).

The double allotment has a 1000 sq ft greenhouse for AGs, a smaller greenhouse for a watermelon, a tomato and melon greenhouse and a silo greenhouse for the corn, sunflowers and long gourds.

The single allotment has a little greenhouse for the giant carrots, beets, parsnips and cucumbers and a bit of room left for some sweet peppers.

Behind my house I have a tiny wall greenhouse for tomatoes and seed starting.

Because of the "limited" space I have divided the gardens into smaller, efficient plots and hope to grow, besides a wide range of normal fruit and veg, the following giant veg categories. I will start more of each kind and see how many do well.

Amaranth - Brian Moore (A. australis)
Beet (long) - Medwyn Own Long Black Beet
Beet (heavy) - Mammoth
Carrot (heavy) - English cross
Corn (tall) - my own Hala crosses originally from Craven and Moore
Cucumber (heavy) - Glazebrook's Alf Cobb WR line
Cucumber (long) - Glazebrook's Alf Cobb WR line
Long Gourd - 122 Eaton, 117.63 Lyons, 107 Lyons, 110 Butler
Marrow - 206.5 Wursten, 118.8 Glazebrook and 73.6 Wursten
Parsnip (heavy) - F1 Picador
Parnsip (long) - Exhibition Long
Potato - probably Anais - can't get anything else
Runner bean (long) - via David Thomas
Squash - 1234 Wursten* and 947 Cuypers* = gotta get WR back...
Sunflower (tall and head) - Craven and Hope
Swede - 34.2 Glazebrook
Tomato - 4.59 Lyons, 4.29 Timm, 4.04 Jager, 2.15 Wursten, etc
Watermelon - 197 Leonard (239 Leonard backup)

No room for pumpkins.

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