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Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Dutch Brad Netherlands

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The SQUASH season for me has started. Two 1234 Wursten 07* seeds (1055 Pitura* x self) and two 947 Cuypers 09* seeds (1310 Pitura x self) have been started in the cooler with hot water bottles every 8 hours. In a few days I will start a third seed of each.

I have 10 heavy PARSNIPS growing in two of my greenhouses, planted in pairs. Will thin out to five in due time.

Heavy BEETROOTS planted in the greenhouse with 10 to a hill. Most have germinated. Will keep the best of each of the three hills. In two weeks I will plant the outside beetroots.

The long BEETROOTS are waiting for nicer weather to be fitted into the outdoor pipe. Will thin out to one.

The heavy CARROTS are in their place in the greenhouse. Six pairs of two. Will remove the smallest of each pair when necessary.

The long CARROTS are in their pipe in the big greenhouse. Will thin out to one in due time.

The tall CORN is in its own greenhouse in the corn cage. About 6 inches tall.

Three giant PEPPERS are up. I will grow two. Six heavy SWEDES/RUTABAGAS are up. I will grow three. Two WATERMELONS have been up for some time. I will grow one (the 239 Leonard is leading by far).

Twelve giant TOMATOES have just been planted: 5.00 Clerinx (x2), 4.29 Timm (x2), 4.83 Perry (x1), 4.59 Lyons (x2) and 4.04 Jager (x3). Will keep the best seven.

Still have to start heavy KOHLRABI, MARROWS, SUNFLOWERS (head and tall), outside BEETROOTS and LONG GOURDS. I have filed the 134.25 Johnston Butler (x1), 122 Eaton (x2), 110 Butler (x1) and 117.63 Lyons (x1). I hope to grow the 134.25 and the 122. Also still have to start the RUNNERBEANS. I have settled for "Spunta" giant POTATOES. I am waiting for them to chit a bit more before planting them out. I am not sure how many I will grow yet.

I have just planted the long and heavy CUCUMBERS and am 'patiently' waiting for them to germinate.

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