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Saturday, August 20, 2011
Utah, USA
Entry 46 of 61 |
This is Ruteger in his bathrobe. He wears it night and day, like a three year old with a blankie. I took a tour of three professional giant pumpkin patches today. I can't believe the time, money, technology and love these people donate to their pumpkins. I saw pumpkins pushing 1,000 pounds with 5 more 900 pound cousins in the same patch. I learned a few things from the pros today. #1, talk to the professionals early and often so you don't have to make all of your own mistakes. #2 Pumpkins nead shade from the harsh Utah sunlight, not more growing lights in August. #3 Pumpkins needto grw fast when their young and pliable,they get brittle when they age. #4 Be careful what you feed your pumpkin, too much fertilyzer is as bad as too little. #5 Foliar feeding with fish emulsion realy works to grow pumkins as well as stop fungus. And #6, growing giant pumkins on a trailer parked in a driveway without tons of compost and deep roots is hard work and probably won't get you the biggest pumkin in the world.