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Saturday, September 10, 2011
Utah, USA
Entry 58 of 61 |
I quickly learned better than trying to bottle feed a giant pumpkin. At his best, Ruteger consumed 65 gallons of water and about 10 tablespoons of fertilyzer every day. I built a watering station out of a 17 gallon tub, a 1/4" water line from my house water ( T'd from my swamp cooler) and a float valve like my swamp cooler. I placed a fountain pump in the water tank with an 8 way drip irrigator nozzle sending 1 gallon of water per 5 minutes through each of 8 hoses to 8 tubs. I later added a second tank and pump to handle the next 10 tubs. I still had to water 8 more tubs every afternoon when I got home from work, but nothing wilted while I was gone.