Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, May 14, 2012
Nottingham, UK
Entry 53 of 165 |
Decided to plant the 772 Wagler rather than let it go to compost. As with the 738, just couldnt get it out of the pot without disturbing the root ball.
At the moment the plan is to grow both the 738 and the 772 in flag patterns as I only want to have to prep one side and it would make maintenance easier. Lets look upon this as a test to see what they grow. The 772 is in unammended soil, absolutely nothing, no compost, manure nada! This will be the only plant to be heavily fertilised using the Hydroponics of Holland liquid feeds. I want to go easy on the soil so will not be using this on the other plants.
Both 738 and 772 may be allowed to grow up to 17' (terminate at pumpkin) with 14' secondaries.
The 1304 and 852 main vines will not be terminated and left to grow indefinately even if the secondaries have to be terminated