Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Nottingham, UK
Entry 275 of 282 |
It's been a great year!
976 Geyelin (854.5 Frei x self) - 14% Heavy, 1st Place at York. 874 Geyelin (1770 Lieber x 1290 Poirier) - 1% Heavy, 3rd place at London. 766 Geyelin est (1290 Poirier x 400 Frei). 427 Geyelin (400 Frei x 1290 Poirier) - 1.5% Heavy, 2nd Place at York.
The 766 is being carved. The 874 is being casted to make a conrete version The 976 and 427 are on display and will later be casted to make concrete versions.