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Saturday, March 08, 2014
Princeton Joe
Princeton Kentucky
Entry 40 of 323 |
I've been selling my own grown seeds to help fund my growing habit,lol. I'm adding more of my personal seeds daily.I also sell a pretty nice combo seed pack that includes my 801 uow/dmg'13 AG seed, my giant Cantaloupe '11, my Giant Tomato '12 and my uow Carolina Cross Watermelon '13 seeds. Good starter Pack cheap. Heres a pick of the corn seed pack and some of the corn ears from my tall corn last year (Field corn ear is avg size for comparison) and a Pic this morning of the corn seed germed 3 days after I put them in the germ box..pretty good lookin sprouts. Started 5, 5 germed. This is the 6th set of corn seeds I've tested from various ears. I also sell whole ears of tall corn from 500 - 800 seeds each on ebay. If anyone here at BP needs any and can't pay, contact me I'll make sure you'll have em to plant at no cost. So many people have helped me in the past and I appreciate it greatly. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281280394698?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649