Entry Date
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Sunday, June 22, 2014
Princeton Joe
Princeton Kentucky
Entry 132 of 323 |
3 pollinations this morning: F 1734.5 Steil (220 Debacco x Self) with the M 401 Buck (1872 Wallace x 2009 Wallace), F 401 Buck (1872 Wallace x 2009 Wallace with the M 1734.5 Steil (220 Debacco x Self) and the F 1314 est Bryson (1818.5 Bryson x 1807 Steltz) with the F 401 Buck (1872 Wallace x 2009 Wallace). Coffee Break!! First kin on the 1734.5 Steil and second kins for both the 1314 est Bryson and the 401 Buck. Steil plant is small yet but went ahead and set it anyways. Plant is finally coming on stronger in growth, maybe this will help to incourage it to grow, grow, grow!!