Entry Date
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Monday, August 11, 2014
Princeton Joe
Princeton Kentucky
Entry 264 of 323 |
***Stupid Tip Of The Month*** Took a cheap 21" grabber thingy you see in the pic and turned it into a 9 ft trimmer for the long gourd plant. I used side cutters and removed the plastic tips (material) at the "red line", drilled 1/8" holes through at the "blue arrows" then drilled holes in the scissors. Used simple wire bent over as pins to hold the scissors to the grabber ends. Used old electric fence wire run up through a 9 ft stick of 1/2" pvc conduit with a fitting at the handle end. Disassembled the grabber unit by first removing the red handle. Thee original grabber handle got wrapped a few times with electrical tape and fit snug in the fitting end. The clamp end fit perfect into the scissor end so all I had to do was figure out the length of the electrical fence wire and whala. When you squeeze the trigger the scissors cut. Works great reaching the tips of the vines to dead head and to cull females and male flowers. No copy writes were harmed during this fuepwha & I did this for me "NOT TO SELL",lol. Only draw back... stiff neck from looking up so long at a time, so my daughter says,lol.