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Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Princeton Joe
Princeton Kentucky
Entry 288 of 323 |
This is a Brown Cushaw Squash Plant. If you look down the vine you will see three fruits, yes that 3rd one is a 297 Kent growing off the end of the vine,lol. I grafted it at 10:00 pm on the 27th of Aug about 8 days ago. It has put on 3" on the circ, lol. For the 1st 3 days I kept a 3" gause bandage around the graft saturated so it wouldn't dry out. Am keeping the sun off of it too. I'm going to remove the grafting clams this coming weekend. Why do this? Why not, lol. I had three 297's on this one big plant with different approaches, two failed, this one kept.