Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Princeton Joe
Princeton Kentucky
Entry 298 of 323 |
Here is an example of the roots being thrown out on the 297 & 291 cuttings. Before repotting in moisture controlled potting soil, I cleaned off the rooting hormone slime that coagulates on the roots with a peroxide solution so there will be less chance of disease. They have also been inoculated with Extreame systemic fungicide at this time. I will inspect the roots on them in a weaks time , repot for the last time and some will be mailed out to a fellow grower who is wanting the 297 plant that is growing "Pig". Both the 291 and 297 melons are growing well still and with the 6.5 inches of rain we had overnight a couple days ago they both have put the pounds on incredibly with no "Side Affects", but there is cold ,cold weather coming, fingers crossed.