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Thursday, July 09, 2015
East Jordan, MI
Entry 213 of 384 |
now on to better news.
Even though we are on day the 35th day out of the last 40 with heavy rains and not much sun the 1714 is stepping out.
This is 1714 Day 20.
ss (side to side) 42 ee (end to end) 41.5 cc (circumference) 61 ott (over the top -- total) 144.5 est weight 71.5 (between 64-77) on the team pumpkin chart
I know that there are many that say day 10, 20, and 30 don't matter....but the fact of the matter is, with out the beginning, there is no end...so even though the first 40 days don't necessarily predict the future, they are not completely irrelevant. If we ever put together the fast growing beginning with the ability to keep it going longer we will knock one out of the park.
Wish us luck.