Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, June 20, 2016
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 27 of 174 |
I applies Bug B Gon and Agri Fos to the pumpkins and long gourds, Cucumber beetles were showing updspite last week's application of Imidacloprid. The long gourds got shot of Infuse last week. The 139.25 and 141,25 are looking good, but the 129 is showing signs of the brown creeping crud. I picked affected leaves to try to stop the spread. They will get a shot of Daconil foe good measure later this week. Pollination is going earlier this year, and so is the intense heat. I need to start freezing some water bottles and lining up some shade to keep the new babies cool.