Entry Date
Nick Name
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 55 of 174 |
yhe 1047.5 has 2 pumpkins set on secondaries and one on the main. We will decide in a couple days how many to keep. we have 5 watermelons going on 3 plants so far, and several long gourds going too. The early field pumpkins aborted but we have more coming on now. Sweet corn has been pollinating and we are getting some peppers. Tomatoes will be ripening soon. It looks like we are in for a hot week. If we get a break in the rains I will brew some compost tea. It has been too wet to add extra water so far. Cucumber beetles are still present and need another shot of bifenthrin. We also need to give the pumpkins some Agri Fos and the long gourds some Infuse.