Entry Date
Nick Name
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 123 of 174 |
Upper 80's yesterday, today and in the forecast through Saturday. Good for the 1047.5's that are still growing but bad for the 1818.5 that has stopped. I put a bigger shade tarp over it to try to keep it cool and put out more mouse bait. The people who drive by slow to check it out might not like it but too bad. It has to last another11 days. The vines and mush from the 962.5 have been removed. We set hoops at the opposite end to avoid the rotten stump. I dug a big hole and added 2 cu. ft. of potting soil and tilled the rest of the hoop area with a fork. The whole plot has been covered with compost and seeded with oats and brassica mix.