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Tuesday, July 10, 2018
wile coyote
On a cliff in the desert
Entry 110 of 203 |
Fix of a previous post. Couldn't fix it at the time.
Bought several companion plants for plants I am growing. My idea for a companion plant is a plant that 1. Encourages beneficial bugs to come to your patch. By beneficial I mean a bug that will pollinate or eat bad bugs in your patch. 2. Deters a pest from coming into your patch. 3. Causes another plant to grow better. I bought from memory and forgot a few or they weren't available. 1. Nasturtium -Wards off fungal diseases. Attracts aphids away from other plants. Also trap other insects such as whiteflies, squash bugs, cucumber beetles and cabbage worms. 2. Lavender - Deter Moths, rabbits, deer 3. Fennel - aphids, attracts ladybugs. Don't plant next to tomatoes. 4. Daffodils- Deter moles Plant in fall around patch and mark so you don't till it in the spring. 5. Basil - makes tomatoes grow better. There are plants that could be considered beneficial but I won't put into my patch because they are indiscriminate on what they kill. 1. Chrysanthemums - produce six forms of Pyrethrum; an ingredient in many insecticides. 2. Venus Fly Traps 3. Pitcher plants.
My plants that I bought will follow this post.