Entry Date
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Monday, July 23, 2018
Walhalla, ND
Entry 43 of 75 |
Kline 1877: On 7/18 culled # 1 female. Pollination did not work. Not sure about #2 & #3. Pollinated #4 female on 7/22. Hoelke 1143: I culled #1 female and pollinated #2 female w/Kline 1877 on 7/18. On 7/22, I pollinated a female w/Kline 1877 on a secondary just behind the #2 female . A third female coming along on main vine. Wallace 1733: I culled #1 female. Looks like #2 DAP 6 will make it. Pollinated #3 today as a backup w/Kline 1877. Jarvis 1626: Keeping the #1 female, DAP 12. I will name him "Peapag" which is Gaelic for pumpkin. I culled #2 & #3 females on 7/22.
It is apparent, I'm having trouble with pollination. I've started using one of my wife's old make-up brush. I was dragging/patting male stamen across the female stigma and style which is not working or the bee's are beating me to the stamen.