Entry Date
Nick Name
Saturday, August 04, 2018
Walhalla, ND
Entry 49 of 75 |
On 8/3, I pollinated a 6th kin on main vine @+28'on Kline 1877 w/self and pollinated second kin on another secondary w/self. Today, I pollinated a third kin on another secondary on Kline 1877 w/self.
Today, on Hoelke 1143, I pollinated a fourth kin on main vine @+30' w/Kline 1877 plus one of the double kin on a secondary w/Kline 1877.
I gleaned through Big Pumpkin's archive and have come to one conclusion that I was making a rookie mistake by Fertilizing pre, during and post female flowering stages - a no no. It's been three days since I've stop. Also, damp pollen may be an issue too. Live and learn. I am determined to get a fruit set on Kline 1877, Hoelke 1143, and Wallace 1733.