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Saturday, March 18, 2023 Jonah R Chapel Hill, NC

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Lots has happened...
First: Something happened to the 927 SQ! But it's not too good :(. When my dad was playing with the dog, he accidentally through her ball right at the 927 SQ! Thankfully, the ball didn't knock the main stump off, but it hit a cott that had to be amputated. Thankfully, it has sort of "scabbed" up and there is no oozing.
Second: I went to the patch today to check everything out, and the tree above it has actually started to drop the green stems of flowers that where not pollinated! I see this as a good thing, since if it's green, it means nitrogen!
And: My dad agreed to take me to the Southern Growers Meeting next weekend! I hope that some cool guys like Rodebaugh and maybe Bayuk are there. I've been waaaaiting to meet some growers in person! The only grower I have actually talked to in person was Brandon Huber at the NC State Fair, we had a nice conversation and I learned a lot.
Also: I have not gotten soil tests in yet, but plan to soon. I've also decided to grow only one plant in my patch (1875 Mendi for now)
And Finally: This is part of the reason I am only growing one... Recently, Sankalp challenged me and Reed to sort of a "mini pumpkin wars". The rules go by, biggest pumpkin in the end wins, and I'm pretty sure DMG does not count. And the catch! The losers need to buy the winner a seed of their choice (yes, any seed)!

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