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Saturday, August 26, 2023 pumpkinpal2 Syracuse, NY

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Not really anything of my pumpkins 'worth' showing a picture of today but these farmers' sunflowers are sure nice!
...butt I'll announce that about 6 of my pumpkins have aborted or are about to, butt it's not like I didn't
expect them to with the lack of nutrition for a week or more several times and the facts that:
1. I have not really been able to add organic matter for about 3 years; (I have Alpaca, Cow, Horse and Chicken
manure at least AVAILABLE to me at all times - It used to be a matter of money, now it's the broken-down
spreader AND tractor;
2. The trees all around my property are getting more and more bushy as well as taller, so I need to
relocate my 'operation' to a HUGE single patch of about 60 feet by 300 feet, smack dab in the middle
of the back lawn 'Sun Belt' that gets sun all day from about 7:00 AM to about 4 pm - ambient after that.
Else, I am looking at from about 8:45 to 4 PM presently butt the trees around 5 patches become a factor, regardless.
3. I grow too many plants to give any more than about 10 of them the attention they deserve,
presently switching attentions to the still many that are left like 1541 McMillin, 839 Sandercock X 2,
my 367 (352 Gerry '05 X 2145 McMullen), 1511.5 Haist* and my 178 x 2, 206.1 (20 Gerry X self) x 2,
412.5 Gerry (1317 Clementz X 1985 Miller), 236 Gerry (1007 Brown X 2145 McMullen) X 2,
301.5 Gerry '05 and Seeds X and Y '20 (2003 Haist X 301.5 and 20, respectively).
All of those are doing well and I could easily zero in on the 839-1, 178-1 and the Seed Y-1 with all my
enthusiasm butt I still have no trailer hitch on my vehicle.

Coming through with 8-15-36 water-soluble fertilizer at even 1 Tbsp./gal after a dry spell for the fruits caused
at least two of the down fruits to have stem splits that I don't feel would have happened if no fert was applied;
No problem - To see what the color is on a new seed is the most important thing, to ME. If it gets big - a plus!
A prodding with a Timothy grass stem confirms it - Game Over.

Okay - Other, GOOD news:
Got the tractor running perfectly again (removed a speck of debris in the carburetor, plugging the low-speed jet).
Manure spreader is tight as a drum now and the noises it always made, that are still horrifying? It is just the chain links
when they snap from one angle to the other as they go around the sprockets or guides. Wanna oil it, but...
It made it around at least once and will be run at a slightly higher speed before I damage the engine from LOW RPM.

If I do have a PB-breaker, I know someone whom might truck it to a weighoff with me and any fruits this year will be
sold in order to break even and/or as a source of a Plethora (Godzilla adversary?) of great crosses!
Hell, I'm just now trying out the crosses from '17-'20!
Later---eric g

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