Entry Date
Nick Name
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Welterweights, Wa
Entry 35 of 54 |
Stem had lots of cuts made in it now they are healed.
Looks like with the warm weather Marylin will make the 18" in 18 days goal, she's been a good grower for sure. That probably equals 15 lbs per day or so, but Im not keeping exact measurements. She isnt thumping very heavy though, probably my bad for low calcium/boron early on... I dont think its the genetics.
Lilly Putty the little sister kin... is growing well, not sure if ahead or behind Marylins growth at the same DAP.
I do think some nutrients are missing or out of balance but without knowing which ones, theres not a whole lot I can do. Iron, nitrogen, are probably excessive.