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Saturday, September 16, 2023 big moon Bethlehem CT

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I am not sure why I didn't look into this stuff sooner, I have Lots of winter reading to do. I think the very best growers are managing there brix levels very well and giving there plants the best access to nutrients, natural plant growth hormones, and beneficial biological fungi and bacteria. Because of this proper and complete plant health you will notice that certain growers do not seem to have a problem with Yellow vine disease (As well as other diseases).
Just a question that I have thought of, How come you have never really heard of one of the elite Rhode Island growers having there season ended by YVD? I am starting to think it is because their plants are resistant! They grow plants that have their leaves and roots and vascular system colonized by beneficial bacteria and fungi and they have their plant tissue high in brix. I don't think that the YVD disease is absent from that area, I don't see how it could be.
One more thought, anyone who has grown in a greenhouse knows insect pest problems are twice as bad, as they are outdoors. Could this be that the plants brix values are down a bit because of the less complete sunlight that the plastic provides hindering ideal photosynthesis. The plastic blocks some of the different spectrums like much of the UV, Have you ever got a sunburn in a greenhouse? Right now I have a high tunnel that I planted three late crops in on the fourth of July. I planted cucumber and summer squash and tomatoes. I have had to rip out all the cucumbers and the summer squash because they were covered with aphids. THey were so sticky it was like maple syrup it was so bad. While the tomatoes don't have an aphid on them and are 12 feet wide covering half the house and growing. Why is this? Could it be that the tomatoes are more efficient at keeping there brix levels up under the type of sunlight in a greenhouse. I know aphids will eat tomatoes I have seen them do it. But... I have never had a crop of cucumbers or summer squash get so infested in an outdoor environment as they did in the high tunnel, and I have been doing this for a long, long time.

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