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Sunday, October 08, 2023
Welterweights, Wa
Entry 44 of 54 |
Grew it on a pallet, the rigging is my attempt to pull the pallet. I guess if the pallet would rather break than budge, its a good sign.
What could I do better next year? I want to give this some thought. The vine layout, the late frost damage, the nutrients being off (mostly as evidenced by the underwhelming results of the giant tomato "companion" plant the poor fruit/flower development indicates there were some serious nutrient problems)... these are the obvious errors. Were there any less obvious errors? Maybe some more organics on the soil surface as a food source for the plant... I never mulched the ground surface (between the vines) with compost the way I originally intended, and it might have helped.
Down to a few hours of sun, trees are casting long shadows now. Its an old but mostly still happy plant. The part up on the trellis, is quite healthy.
A minor thing I could improve would be to be super vigilant for cucumber beetles.