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Sunday, March 16, 2025
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 83 of 86 |
Some thoughts. The weird thing about those worms is, I have never seen one in the ground, like an earthworm. I did apply goat manure to the areas where I've noticed them. So they must be a roundworm associated with goats?! And they're just in the manure or hanging out in the dead grass on the ground. Distgusting.
I had the bright idea to grow a tomato in the actual soil that I will send to the lab. That way, I can see how the plants appearance correlates to the precisely known soil chemisty. So this test will begin with exactly 1 kg of soil. I'll grow a tomato plant in this 1 kg portion... The other portion of soil (from same evenly mixed batch) will get sent to the lab. Eventually I will have a lab result plus a plant result, literally from the same soil sample. What will I learn when I compare the plant grown in the sample soil to the soil report? (And/or disease report?) Perhaps nothing... but I think what I hope to learn is, what nutrients to watch out for later in the year, and what nutrients to not worry about.
By using 1 kg it should be easier to play with nutrients later if I want to add ppms of something I can weigh it on my gram scale (which goes to .001 hence 1/1,000,000 of a kg).