Entry Date
Nick Name
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Belleville MI
Entry 3 of 3 |
It's time to decide on the seed for my 150 sf patch. In the off-season I made a few seed purchases including a batch from Kisamore, a few seeds from Radach, and some from Maydan. I shared several seeds with my nieces and nephews who are excited to try growing a giant. I also shared several from the Shuck 646 I grew last season with a wife's co-worker who is familiar with AG's.
At the Michigan spring seminar they had some Trombley seeds and a few more. In the seminar they talked about growing Michigan seeds in Michigan, so I may lean in that direction.
Most likely I will plant one of each (Trombley, Kisamore or Van Houtte), pick one to plant and hold one in reserve for a few days. I'll try to donate any that remain to friends and relatives who want to grow an AG.
My nieces and nephews are growing the Radach in Missouri and my brother in law is growing a Maydan in Chattanooga and his former co-worker is growing a Maydan in North Carolina.