Entry Date
Nick Name
Sunday, June 30, 2002
John D.
Connecticut, USA
Entry 25 of 74 |
The 868 Nesbit had one female pop already. I ignored it. Another is developing now and will be ready in a couple days. That one will probably kick off the early morning pollination season.
I set up my overhead sprinklers as well as the misting system. The five day forcast shows a heat wave next week. I mist from 10 am to 5 pm. 2 minutes of misting with a 10 minute break in between mists.
Since I have been seeing a lot of living cuc beetles and the SVB moths, I decided to add Malathion 50/50 to my Isotox regiment. That went on last night. I will put each down once a week, Isotox mid week and Malathion 50/50 on weekends.