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Subject:  how many days. 120 or 150

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Does it take 120 days to grow a giant pumpkin or 150 days to grow one thanks.

4/6/2008 8:17:14 PM


milford, CT,

I'd say closer to 150...60 days to grow vines until pollination... then 90-100 to grow the fruit.

4/6/2008 10:37:01 PM



120 days is and est from the time of pollination. if you pollinate july 1st and harvast October


4/8/2008 12:46:16 PM

hoots dirt (Mark)

Farmville, Virginia (mfowler@hsc.edu)

Calcubit, that would be harvesting at the end of October. Not many weigh-offs that late. Definitely 60 days or so to pollination but I think the fruit usually matures in 80 to 90 days. Maybe a few cases where 100 days of growth were had but probably not many.

4/8/2008 4:57:37 PM

One Dude

Carrollton, Ga.

Our pumpkins in the hot south seem to mature quicker and stop growing. 120 days would usually be max. I have had some on the vine longer but they quit gaining much weight around 110 to 120. This is if you get it pollinated at day 60 or soon after. If you could not get one set until the plant was 80 or 90 days old you would be running up to day 140 or 150 for a mature pumpkin.
Jn. 3:16
Jn 3:16

4/9/2008 7:17:04 PM

Boy genius

southwest MO

One dude,
Are you saying you only get 60 days of fruit growth period? Have you tried any shadeing, misting, or cooling to delay this rapid matureing? I'm fighting extreme july and august temps also.

4/12/2008 8:42:58 PM


Rhode Island

growth period from pollination date
30 days a dud
60 days a disapointment
90 days a contender for state championship
100 days a stud
105 days you will be on medication to help you thru weigh
off day

4/15/2008 7:12:58 AM


Long Island,New York

Took me 9 years to grow a big pumpkin....then everyone said big was 25 lbs more.

4/17/2008 4:03:36 PM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:55:39 PM
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