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Subject:  Hoophouse Temp.

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Joe V


When you set up a hoophouse, whats the average temp increase inside the hoophouse? size of hopphouse is 4 x 4 x 5 high. sheating is 1.5 mill. would it be like 10 degrees or more? thanks!

4/26/2008 8:30:55 AM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON (j.vincent@xplornet.ca)

Your hoop houses can get very hot, especially if you forget to open in the morning for ventilation. The temps can get well over 100F very quickly in a closed hoop house. I vary the size of the opening depending on the forecast. On sunny days, I open both ends and on cloudy cooler days I may only crack open one end. I try to keep the temp in the daytime in the 80F range. At night I try to keep above 50F.

4/26/2008 9:13:19 AM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

The day and night are different animals altogether.

When trying to keep it warmer at night, if it gets cool, I usually see something between 5-7 F degrees warmer in the hoophouse than outside.

If you are talking about during the day, a 70 F day can bring 110+ F in the hoophouse if not vented.

4/26/2008 9:19:24 AM


maine USA

If you leave for work in the morning and it is cool, please make sure that you vent your geenhouse anyway. My husband was caring for my greenhouse early one spring while I was away, and he decided that it was too cool in the morning to open the greenhouse. When he arrived home after work the tempature inside the greehouse was around 120 degrees. Hundreds of dollars worth of orchids were dead or they eventually died as a result of this. Kathy Truong

4/26/2008 9:46:54 AM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

I bet he won't make that mistake again!

4/26/2008 10:11:31 AM



Full bright sunshine can really elevate a hoop house well above the safe margin. A thrmometer, flexible work schedule or understanding stay-at-home wife, box cutter & duct tape are a growers salvation.

I have a temperature operated door opener that makes easier work of things. Try greenhousesupply.

4/26/2008 1:11:39 PM


maine USA

No I sure he won't. Since he discovered it himself, he got the full impact of his deed. He would have thought I was exaggerating otherwise.

4/29/2008 11:54:08 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Joe, my hoophouse is 4 x 8 x 5 high and yesterday when it was 55 degrees outside in full sun, my hoophouse was 95 degrees (forgot to open the vents). When I opened the vents it settled down to around 80 degrees.

In my case, without a heater, the overnight temperature will be roughly the same inside the hoophouse as outside.

4/30/2008 1:14:13 PM

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