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Subject:  am I measuring correctly and how do we move these

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Santa Ynez California

Hi. I am wondering if I am using the correct chart for measuring as our pumpkin looks as big or bigger than ones I am seeing in photos with higher weights. Also someone had a picture of one with a 4" larger ott and was quoting about 774 pounds on theirs. ours measured 143 circumference and 93 and 91 for combined ott of 327 which we thought was 700 pounds. also does anyone know if these round ones measure heavy or light? We are still getting about 10 pounds or so of growth a day and I am fertilizing with liquid potasium fertilizer I go from hydroponics store then next day 4 ounces seaweed extract then next day 4 ounces alaska more bloom fish emulsion. then starting over again. the leaves look very healthy so i will stick with this until they show some distress lol. if anyone has better plan though please let me know. Our contest is in 3 1/2 weeks and should have warm dry weather through then so I am hoping to hit 800 and about 650 or so with our other pumpkin. Also does anyone have a good method of moving them hahahaha. our local contest was going to pick them up but had to cut back on this because of gas prices. it is our first year and i have never seen much the less moved pumpkins this big before. we have flat bed trailer lined up with a ramp and at this point are considering rolling/sliding them on carpet etc into place. or possibly rolling them onto padded pallets then forklifting pallets into place. winches are being discussed too hahaha. thank you. Steve

9/21/2008 7:36:21 PM


Kalamazoo, MI (zemmie640@yahoo.com)

Most people use lifting rings with straps attached to lift their pumpkins, or lifting tarps. The rings have straps that come down around the pumpkin, and then a rope is run around the bottom of the pumpkin through the straps. P and P seed sells these, and if you search through people's diaries you will see how it is done. I wouldn't recommend sliding them because you'll chew up the bottom of your pumpkin. Some people make a tripod out of various materials, and some lift with their rings attached to a front end loader. It just depends on what you've got available. I would do a little research.

9/21/2008 7:58:08 PM


Santa Ynez California

Hi. Thank you. I am trying to line up a front loader so the ring lift might work well. Do you have any idea of how how many guys it takes to move a 800 pound pumpkin on a tarp. Thanks. Steve

9/21/2008 9:39:00 PM



approximately 1 man per 100 lbs of pumpkin ... adjust accordingly for wimps or hulks.

9/22/2008 5:38:28 PM


Santa Ynez California

Hahahahaha. Thank you. I think we are going to go for the lifting ring and move them with that and a frontloader or forklift. Lining up that many people seems like a giant ordeal in itself lol. Steve

9/23/2008 9:47:08 AM



if you do not have lift rings,straps and lifting devices then the next best thing is beer and pizza

9/23/2008 11:59:37 AM


Cochecton, NY

Tru dat! Some people will do anything for beer and pizza!
Top it off with seeing a giant pumpkin and they will be there!! It is amazing how stupified some people get when they see these things!

9/23/2008 3:24:15 PM


Sunnyvale, California

Being the Ignoramus I am ,with no friends and few resources ,I just assembled my trusty break down cherry picker(engine hoist) on some plywood ,simply looped a cargo strap under my punks a few times(no cinch ,rings or fittings of any kind) and just proceeded to jack that sucker up all by my lonesome self, and dropped it on a cart to wheel around. The bigger heavier ones had to slide up a plywood ramp overlying the picker legs as it wouldnt straddle the pumpkin ,which was too wide. This would only work on punks under 1000 lbs on my picker at the desired lifting beam reach. The whole operation took me 'bout an hour. Of course, if your afeared of dropping yer precious cargo ,somthing more than just a few loops of cargo strap would be in order. You can rent one for chump-change, but who don't know somebody with a cherry picker?

9/23/2008 11:55:36 PM


Santa Ynez California

Hi. Thank you for all advice. I am lining up front loader and then backing up with a list of friends to lift it in by hand as last option. Having never moved one of these at all I wasn't sure if there was a method everyone else used but it sounds like whatever works is what works hahaha. thanks again. Steve

9/26/2008 8:15:04 AM

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