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Subject:  Timing spray...

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Middle TN

Im sure this is a silly question but Im confused so here goes...
Ive read that a week to 14 days should pass between sprayings. How do you spray fungicide, fertilizer and bug killer and still wait a week between? I have fungicide but havent used it yet as Im going back n forth between fert and Sevin. Can I spray some chemicals together? or do I just settle for fertilizing once a month? Someone please help a newbie out here :)

7/2/2009 10:24:11 PM



We often mix Talstar & Eagle to save time. I certainly wouldn't avoid spraying them on consecutive days. But these are low rate materials that are held in aqueous suspension. In other words, they're not HOT.

Talstar has an effective residual of up to 28 days. Two weeks is safe to reapply if the plants aren't growing very fast but...consider how much growth these plant exhibit. The plant will literally outgrow the protective envelope (barrier) in a week. So lighter doses more frequently are the best bet when the plants are screaming.

Once they reach their terminated extremes the leaves will be a little more durable so full rates less often are cool.

ALL chemical sprays should ALWAYS be in the early evening. The spray residue should NEVER be wet during warm sunny weather. This means that a late afternoon spray during sticky humid weather can still be wet the next morning. That'll be the day the plant looks dead.

Tank mixing cheap old school stuff like Sevin or Malathion is a serious risk. These are high use rate chemicals that are best applied alone (if at all).

Hope this helps.

7/2/2009 11:14:42 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I will add to Tremor's... I use a mix of Talstar (7.9%) and Merit(75WP), applying every 10 days. This is with full garb including a paint vapor respirator to mix and apply!

The golden window of within two hours of dark on a fairly calm evening is very important. 1/8 teaspoon Merit, 1/2 oz Talstar, per gallon. Lightly spray top and under leaves, add some near stump and along main and later along secondaries as ground drench, avoid 8" of growing tips and any set fruit. I will also give the ground ahead of where vine tips are going a quick shot to extend area they have to connect with it and kill ground grubs (jap beetles). Next morning early, a watering in within 2 hours of sunrise to allow plant to take up the systemic and keep leaves from getting toasted by combo of spray and sun/heat.

This has given me good SVB and all major bug and grub control. I start about 4-5 days before my SBV date and will spray about 10 times during the SVB season....

I will time to not feed fertilizers or compost tea for 2 days after an SVB spray and hold about 2 days before a scheduled spray.

Always treat your patch walk boards and turn them over to spray both sides and under them, lots of stuff likes to hide there. Or if you use stepstones or bricks, or portable windbreaks like feedtubs, move them and treat underneath.

When done empty sprayer and wash everything!

7/3/2009 2:58:27 AM

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