New Growers Forum
Subject: Things Ive learned and need to remember
Date Posted
TNTammy |
Middle TN
I know this is only the tip of the iceberg of 'need to know' info. but concidering I didnt know the stem end from the blossom end until mid June Im hoping this info. will get me a 'slunger' next yr :) PLEASE PLEASE correct me if any of it is wrong and pass along any more info. you think I need to add :)
eBay is not the place to get seeds train vine in a christmas tree shape remember to bury the vine cut and bury secondaries at 12 ft dont pollinate closer than 10 ft pollinate on the main vine use half strength insecticide twice as often never spray ANYTHING in daylight Sevin dust does nothing, squash bugs snack on it! train vine in an 'S' shape for slack trim off extra blooms after pumpkins are set prop up vine to relieve stem stress vines need sun, pumpkins do not
cut worms suck and squash bugs are horrible but vine bores take the cake!!
a healthy vine equals a happy pumpkin
city water is bad, save rain water at every opportunity
"when it rains it spores" apply fungicide early and often
"spray in the morning farmer take warning, spray at night farmer sleep tight"
Have an 'oh shit' pumpkin.. on a side vine past the keeper
and my biggest lesson...... you can NOT grow a giant in a flower bed!!! I'll triple my bed size next yr :)
7/31/2009 5:02:47 PM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
some of the things listed above are quotes.. sadly I cant remember from who :( but they stuck in my head
7/31/2009 5:04:36 PM
hoots dirt (Mark) |
Farmville, Virginia (
Good start Tammy, and you will learn so much more every year. The knowledge is endless! And if you see Pap post here...make sure you pay close attention!!!
7/31/2009 5:40:57 PM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
Oh yes I gleaned A LOT of info from Pap and others as well. My season is pretty much over but Im determined to do better next yr :)
7/31/2009 6:49:00 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
If you are really sneaky you can weed an extra six feet off the lawn into your patch during the season.
The fugliest pumpkin will be the one that grows.
Never trust Weatherchannel online, they are often way off on temp the direction you don't want them to be. (if they say 50, brace for 40, if they say 90, brace for 100) [their doppler radar is choice though]
Buy fresh flashlight batteries and buy the rubbery waterproof one. You will need it.
A resin lawn chair is your bestest friend if you are trying to set pumpkins. It will shade her from three days before until 10 days after. Add a concrete block to the seat and it'll stay in 80mph winds.
Believe in windbreak, lots, often and sturdy.
Merit is your friend, it will kill grubs, and SVB's and a lot more. Buy the paint vapor respirator mask too. Buy a sprayer JUST for Merit and mark it conspicuously. The rubber chemical gauntlet gloves are well worth it too.
Do it now not later. Even a few hours later. This one can painfully bite you in the tush.
7/31/2009 9:14:03 PM
hoots dirt (Mark) |
Farmville, Virginia (
Wow OkieGal! That last one is SO true and every new grower would be wise to remember that one. I've learned the hard way in the past what "later" can do to you. These things grow so fast and insects and disease appear so quickly a few hours really can make a a negative way!
7/31/2009 9:23:17 PM
sl |
Another plus is to find another grower nearby with the same type climate and possibly soil, pest, etc. conditions that you have. It's hard to follow advice from someone who is worlds apart from what you are dealing with.
8/1/2009 4:01:39 PM
csterner |
Gettysburg, PA
another rookie here...can't add much but I have a few.
1. don't crowd your plants. I have 7 in an area big enough for 2.
2. Don't just plant one...have an extra, if nothing else for a backup or pollinator. I had several females come ready on a plant that had no males. Snagged a few off a neighboring plant that was popping with boys.
3. Don't tell your spouse you "just had pumpkin sex" with 3 or 4 femals. It's hard to see outta one eye. ;-)
8/3/2009 12:41:07 PM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
wonderful tips everyone, thanks a bunch :)
8/3/2009 6:10:12 PM
FDRthegreat2 |
Murfreesboro, TN, USA
Hey Tammy, You will find that every year you will pick up some new tid bits of knowledge that you did not have last year. I would recommend purchasing literature, movies, and books to start filling your mind with as much Giant Pumpkin info as possible. Number two, join a club, you will get another source of supply of more invaluable information.
If you are looking for seeds to plant for next year just let me know. I would be more than willing to share my seeds. I am growing some of my own from last year and I am really happy with the results so far. Just give me a shout. Plus I have more seeds then I can ever plant.
8/4/2009 7:46:40 AM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
I ordered a how-to book a few days ago, I havent found any clubs near by but I'll keep looking. Better quality seeds are on my 'things to get' list. I got mine from eBay lol . If you are willing to share some of yours that'd be AWESOME!! thank you :)
My 'things to get' list.... **how-to books soil test better quality seeds hoop house supplies fish and kelp fert. erosion fencing mill fabric
knee pads tylenol haha
8/4/2009 9:18:45 AM
sl |
Tammy, we bought a pair of Green Jeans, they are like chaps with knee pads built in. Got them at a garden supply place but you could probably find them online. Jack swears by them. A straw hat and sweat band might also be on your things to get list. Sherry LaRue
8/4/2009 1:26:13 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
I'll say I have mill fabric from a few places and the stuff Tom stocks is really decent. I got the white, not the pink others have mentioned.
How to books, How to Grow Giant Pumpkins III, IV, and 16' tape are a special, and I strongly suggest #3...
DT2 (Dick's Tips 2) you can get on here and it benefits the OAF (Orange Angel Fund) and they buy kids that need. coats....
8/4/2009 11:49:50 PM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
green jeans sound awesome and book #3 is the one I ordered. Its supposed to have info about growing in a small space. Im gonna give it my best shot next yr, at least I'll be more informed that I was this yr.
8/5/2009 4:42:25 PM
big pumpkin dreamer |
Gold Hill, Oregon
wow a lot of good info here. i made the mistake of not starting my backups at the same time i started my wannabees. lol. like oakiegal says get the books by don langven "how to grow giant pumpkins III and his newest Iv", i just ordered # Iv, dt2. when it gets hot, say above 80 degrees, do like me and put your speedo's on. ok i had to have a little fun. my grandfather was from onieda tennessee not too far from you. i have learned a few things with your post. thank you. hope to see a new personal best (pb) from you next year. dave.
8/8/2009 5:49:33 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
it sounds to me like T.T. is one of those special growers who will get better and better each and every year.
much like my son ron who never gave up, kept plugging and one day became a WORLD RECORD HOLDER.
its not rocket science. if you care enough to put forth the effort you will be rewarded.
a lot more can go wrong in this hobby than can go right. quitters are not around long. one or two seasons and poof--they are gone.
8/8/2009 7:42:19 AM
TNTammy |
Middle TN
Thanks Pap I really appreciate the encouragement :) Im sure I'll never break any records but as long as I have a good time growing thats enough for me. It just makes me happy to watch them grow.
8/9/2009 10:04:22 AM
mousey |
Smithville, Tn
I am really trying to take in all the tips, advice and suggestions from everyone. We have been doing jack-o-lanterns and decoratives for a couple of years, This is our first year to try a giant. Which is the most reliable way to measure??
8/17/2009 10:27:39 PM
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