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Subject:  Need some info

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Cleveland Texas

I have always wanted to grow big pumpkins, so I planted some seeds from giant pumpkins and soon found out I don't know a thing about growing pumpkins. Weeds and grasses soon overwhelmed everything and I couldn't keep up. What can I do to help control or eliminate them?
Also does anybody know any growers here in Texas?

10/19/2009 4:05:36 PM



Solarizing the freshly tilled soil beneath 1.5 mil clear plastic would help with the weeds.

10/19/2009 6:39:38 PM


Cleveland Texas

How big of an area would I need? We have a lot of bahia grass in our area and it will grow fast and tall. You almost can't weed it out. Would it hurt the vines to be growing in this stuff or should it be vegetation free.

10/19/2009 8:40:24 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

you need 3-400 sq feet to grow a big pumpkin. you must contol weeds out ahead of the vines. once the plant is aging and pumpkins are set i usually lay off the weeding so as not to destroy the pumpkin root system.

10/21/2009 1:40:21 PM


Cleveland Texas

Thanks. I'm going to try to kill out the bahia before i get started but there is so much in the area it won't take long for it to come back.

10/21/2009 3:08:51 PM



Bahia can be tough. I'd recommend Round-up & tilling in amendments now followed by solarizing in late February.

Have a soil test done RIGHT NOW then follow the recommendations of the lab.

10/21/2009 11:06:05 PM


Cleveland Texas

I just got my sample for a soil test and will take it to the feed store tomorrow to have it sent off. I am going to spray some round-up in the next couple of days as soon as the rain blows out and wait a few days, then till it up.

Has anybody ever used Vegetable & Ornamental weeder. It says it is a preemergent and will not hurt vegetable plants. It is suppose to last 3-6 months.

10/21/2009 11:24:39 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

That sounds like Preen (treflan). Some growers feel that it hurts the new roots on the plant. I don't use it myself. Scraping the weeds off with a hoe is Ok as long as you don't go deep enough to hurt the pumpkin's roots. Placing a thin mulch of dry grass clippings on weed free soil will help shade out the new weed seedlings. Just don't get it too thick and don't use clippings from grass that has been treated with weed killers. You can also shield your plant when it is small and spray Roundup or generic glyphosate to kill new weed seedlings.

10/22/2009 9:48:05 AM


Cleveland Texas

Soil was sent to the lab today. I decide to use Texas A&M soil lab because they are in the area. I am going to do some more research on using Treflan to see about the residue left in the soil.

I'm going to try to plant pumpkins and watermelons in my backyard this spring and hope I can do it right. I'm looking at planting 2-3 hills of each. Is it to soon to be getting my seeds?

Thanks for all the help.

10/22/2009 1:54:54 PM


Cleveland Texas

Also would someone give me an idea of what i should have to get started ( equipment, fertilizers etc.). I'm going to start picking stuff as time allows.

10/22/2009 6:05:14 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

The soil test will tell you what fertilizer to get. I recommend 2 sprayers; one for Roundup and one for insecticides & fungicides. A tiller, or for a smaller patch a spading fork. A good hoe. A wheelbarow or cart if you need it to haul soil amendments or equipment to the patch. Systemic and contact insecticides. Fungicides may be needed. In Texas heat you will likely need some watering or misting equipment and maybe some shade cloth. Talk to southern growers about what you need there. If you have deer, ground hogs or other critters that like to chew on pumpkins, you will need some kind of control for them.

You will also need lots of patience and a never say die attitude. An inquisitive mind to learn all you can. A sense of humor to help you laugh at your mistakes, as you will make plenty of them. The ability to forget about the patch and get to sleep at night when you finally get that special pumpkin growing. And keep your priorities straight. God, family, and your job come ahead of pumpkins.

10/22/2009 10:18:22 PM


Youngsville, LA

What part of TX do you live in? I live in south Louisiana. I'll be glad too share what I know. Send me an email and we can go from there.

Brodie - bgons25@hotmail.com

10/22/2009 10:21:18 PM


Cleveland Texas

Thanks for all the info. I'm anxious to get started.

Iowegian your absolutely right with the last sentence of your post. Thanks

10/24/2009 11:33:13 PM

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