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Subject:  Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds question

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All over e-bay I see sellers who sell Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds. They say that basically these are the only seeds to grow for competitions. They also state they are the "grandaddy" of all pumpkins and even without effort you can grow a hundred pounder. So as someone who has only grown average(and mini) pumpkins, I was interested if the above mentioned was true. 2010 will be my first year growing giants and I am curious to learn all I can.

12/9/2009 11:22:43 PM

Mark G.



I would caution when buying seeds from e-bay. If you are looking for some seeds that have a definite genetic background, go to the seed exchange message board. There are some pretty good growers in the state of KY. Just post that you're looking for seeds and someone from KY will probably offer.

Mark G.

12/10/2009 7:24:30 AM

John Van Sand Bagus


Pepper shoot me an email johnpvanhook@windstream.net

12/10/2009 7:45:38 AM


El Paso TX.


As a first year grower I was loooking at the same thing before coming to this forum but if you just go to the Seed Exchange sub forum you will find several threads of people offering to send seeds from the pumpkins they grew this year and all it costs is a self addressed stamped bubble envelope. (It is also best to include a small letter letting them know a bit about yourself and the plans for the seeds and when you grow them they appreciate you letting them know how things went and perhaps a few pics of the results in return. - a small price to pay for getting some seeds with really good genetics and the potential to grow a monster Pumpkin !)

With the E-bay seeds you never know what you are actually getting yet here you are getting seeds from the actual grower of the pumpkin so have a better idea of what you are getting (you can check the Growers Diaries and see pics of most of the pumpkins as well).

I have sent about 4 or 5 bubbles out (I used 4 stamps on the bubble just to make sure there was enough postage and sent to the address they gave in response to my E-mail asking for seeds) and have received some really good seeds to plant for next year (along with some Giant Watermelon, Sunflower and canteloupe seed as well !) The members of this forum are very helpful and knowledgeable so you have found a great source of information here !

12/10/2009 9:22:21 AM

Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel)

Corbin, KY

Southern Pepper, email John Van Hook, He has some of the best genetics you can get. Also crosses that are proven growers in Kentucky. If he mentions "Turbo Juice" listen closely.

12/10/2009 9:46:36 AM

Mark G.



Like I said, someone did offer. You can't go wrong getting seeds from the Van Hooks! Make sure you ask about the Mason jar "liquid fertilizer" the Van Hooks use! I hear it has multiple uses....

Mark G.

12/10/2009 9:51:06 AM


Hamilton Nj

yeah dont buy seeds from ebay i did last year they suck!!!!!!! pizza

12/10/2009 10:27:15 AM


Whitby, Ontario

Hey SP

Yep, I saw the same thing last winter and got some seeds. That was what it was, some seeds. No genitics and lousy looking seeds that produced an 80 lb pumpkin. It got me started, but now I know of this forum and other web sites with good information I am looking for bigger and better in 2010. Don't waste a dime or a moment of your time looking for seeds on EBay. I would suggest sitting in on an auction or two then maybe bid on seeds to get you started or try the raffle. Your local should have seeds available too, they may not be "auction calaber" but it would be a start at a resonable price. I started with lousy seeds and no knowledge, your already miles ahead of me, best of luck.

Merry Christmas and a BIG NEW YEAR

12/15/2009 8:15:46 PM


uniontown, OH

It's great that you guys help us new growers with some seeds - this will be my first year becoming involved with growing big pumpkins - last year was #88 - I've joined the Ohio Valley Pumpkin club and will be attending seminars to learn all about this fun hobby - does anyone have any extra seeds they don't want? I was very hesitant to buy any off ebay like southern pepper - thanks - enjoy reading all the info

1/3/2010 12:11:57 AM


Middle TN

I must agree with pizza pete, eBay is not the way :(

2/6/2010 2:40:29 PM

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