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Rhode Island

of the three major factors involved with the pursuit of a giant pumpkin ? soil must be considered your number one ingredient.

the best seed in the world means little if your soil is not capable of supplying a properly balanced source of nutrients to the plant and pumpkin. it can make the difference by hundreds of pounds come seasons end.

your soil needs to be in what we call "good tilth" meaning it will hold water without becoming soggy. your soil will have enough organic matter like composted leaves and manure to feed the soils microbial activity through out the season.

usually 10-12 percent organic matter is reccommended.
soils in good tilth allow for oxygen to penetrate down into the root system keeping the roots healthy and productive.
(this is the reason we walk around the plant on boards so as not to compact the soil around the plant)

heavy clay soils can be aided by the addition of sand tilled into the soil.likewise light sandy soilds are aided by the addition of organic matter.

heres a test you can preform to see if your soil drains properly.
dig a hole two ft deep and fill it with water. see how long it takes for the water to drain from the hole. if it drains completely in fourty five minutes your in great shape. if it still holds water after an hour? you need to lighten your soil. its to heavy.

this was a condensed article from last years O A F publication "DICKS TIPS 2"

1/5/2010 9:47:18 AM

Bourney(Team Lunatic)

Petrolia,Ontario. Canada

Hey Pap thanks for the post I grow on heavy clay here in canada I have a bit of a drainage problem. So i was wondering if i add sand is there a certain type i need to add?? I want to get to 1000 here I grew an 843 lb in 09

thanks Lonnie

1/5/2010 11:27:33 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

Watch out, sand + mud = concrete, John Vincent told me that once and I think I believe him.

1/5/2010 1:06:26 PM

Alex B

Ham Lake, Minnesota

yikes no sand, more organic matter and gypsum. I helped out someone who had been adding sand and the soil had become like concrete.

1/5/2010 2:35:15 PM


Rhode Island

sand will never hurt so long as you use it in moderation.heavy clay soils can not be lightened with just compost alone.
but to each his own i guess.

1/5/2010 4:45:57 PM


Deer Park WA

Pearls of wisdom from our personal hero, thanks again Pap!

The Gadberry's

1/6/2010 1:06:37 AM


South Hero, VT

Pap, my soil analysis says I need to lower my ph and add magnesium. What is the best way to do this and is March too late to add to my soil?

1/20/2010 9:30:59 PM


Rhode Island

you could call a company called GROWTH PRODUCTS ----1-800-648-7626
they have a product that lowers ph plus they also havea a CAL-MAG product that is good .

1/21/2010 8:56:38 AM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 1/17/2025 11:58:59 PM
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