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Montgomery, IL

I have read a few differnt ways to start seeds,one thing i can't find is the perfect temp to keep the seeds at to germinate.I may try some in pots and a few in paper towel in ziploc,the temp will be the same yes/no? THANKS FOR ANY HELP BOB

4/30/2010 3:24:48 PM


El Paso TX.

around 85F is the temp you want -- and yes it would be the same for both in the dirt or in the paper towel -- I used the peat pots filled with starter mix and placed them in the germination chamber at 85F to pre-warm the soil while the seeds were soaking for about 5 hours and then put the seeds directly from the soak into the pots and had pretty much all of them pop up within 3 days.

4/30/2010 5:22:35 PM


long Island

Soak for 5 hours? Wont they get all mushy and waterlogged?

4/30/2010 5:50:21 PM


long Island

I plan to use a light bulb to keep the peat pot warm on my windowsill. I will be keeping the bulb about 4 or 5 inches from the peat pot. Is that a good plan? Should I be keeping the bulb on all night?

4/30/2010 6:04:46 PM


El Paso TX.

Nope - I've seen others soak them for longer (sometimes overnight) and the seeds will only absorb the amount of water they need plus with the shells being pretty hard it can take awhile before any actually gets absorbed through the outer shell -- figure some seeds (ie. weed seed) can go through a horses digestive track and still start to grow after making out the other end !!

4/30/2010 6:09:02 PM


El Paso TX.

Here's a link ( http://www.bigpumpkins.com/ViewArticle.asp?id=33&gid=3 ) to the method I used this year with good results

I wouldn't place the pots in a window as the temps will not stay consistent - I used a Sterlite container I had laying around and an old electric blanket placed in the bottom set to keep the temp around 85F with the lid closed ( PIC - http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/JDFanning_bucket/Pumpkins/First3.jpg ) - and the seeds only took about 3 days to pop through the soil at which point I took them out and placed them under a light (they do not need any light until they break the surface of the soil only the warmth !)

4/30/2010 6:18:30 PM


long Island

Thank you. Glad I asked

4/30/2010 6:31:54 PM


Dummer Twp - Ontario

The seeds will be fine soaked for 5-6 hours, I used a seed heating mat in the bottom of a cooler with 2 one inch pcs of wood for spacing and they put my plastic box (fishing lure holder for lack of a better description) ontop of the wood and closed the lid. Within 24 hours 90% had germinated. I have the seeds in moist paper towels in each compartment and don't for get to make a little sketch of which seed is in which compartment.

5/1/2010 6:21:20 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

An inexpensive investment that will be a big heart-break eliminator for all...is, a soil temp thermometer!!! Less than $10, and then you will eliminate all the guesswork. It works inside yer baggie and paper towel set up, and in yer starting mix set up. Allow plenty of time to adjust temps, b/4 starting either method. Too high/low temps just don't cut it...consistency is key!!! Peace, Wayne

5/1/2010 10:17:34 PM


Montgomery, IL

thanks for the info !!!!!!!!!

5/2/2010 8:57:12 AM

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