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Subject:  direct sunlight

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Middle TN

Im struggling with high temps during the day. Opening both ends hasnt been enough. I added fans and finally set in a couple buckets of ice to lower the temp. I cut 2 flaps in the 'roof' but then had direct sunlight beaming down on the plants. I assumed that was bad and taped the flaps shut. When can the plants take direct sun? Should I remove the plastic and replace it with some kind of mesh cloth? Appreciate any advice :)

5/4/2010 9:05:13 AM


SE Minnesota

I use a remay cloth to cover my plants...cuts down on the direct sunlight but allows plenty to reach the plants...also helps keep the bugs off the young plants...also called floating row covers...I get mine at Gardens Alive but I'm sure there are plenty of others places you could find this product...good luck..Jim

5/4/2010 10:21:32 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

plants are meant to grow in the sun. if i had a plant that was allergic to full sun i'd pull it. are you sure you need hoops in tenessee?

5/4/2010 2:27:20 PM



I think the young tender plants don't do well as a new transplant and immediately get full strength sun. The leaves will burn. At least that is my experience on several varieties of flowers I started from seed and just transplanted them in full sun. The leaves are too tender and they turned white.

5/4/2010 2:58:39 PM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

you need to "harden off" your plants. You do this by giving them a little more direct sun light each day. Say 1/2 hr day one 1hr day 2 ect. Some people in hot locations will shade the ends of there new growth about 2'.

5/4/2010 3:41:10 PM

Tim Pennington (Uncle Dunkel)

Corbin, KY

I say cut the boy loose and let him run. Give the growing tip on the main a little shade and let the sun shine. Get him out of that hot hoop house.

5/4/2010 4:21:09 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Tammy, agreed with Tim...the plant in this link looks too big for that hoop and unless you are expecting more rains/floods/winds...I'd let that plant start stretching out now.


5/4/2010 6:32:41 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

TT, if they have been inside der Hoop for a few days, and no chance of frost...then I agree w/ Tim...take down the hoopdie...shade the tip, and let er grow!!! Set up some wind protection, and let the SUN SHINE!!! Of course, you have to realize that is two KY, boys sayin the same thing!!! PS...I am outta the hoopdies!!! 275 VanSand Baggus aproaching 18" main vine!!! Peace, Wayne
Keep up w/the control on the vines(pinning it down) & let er GROW!!! Looks like a SLUNGER!!! Peace, Wayne

5/5/2010 10:44:26 PM


Middle TN

Thanks everyone. Plastic is off the hoop! Im a little nervous leaving it out there with no protection but I guess its time to cut the apron strings lol I shaded the tip and pinned down as much as possible. I got a silt fence at home depot today and will put it up first thing tomorrow morning. Grow baby Grow! lol

5/6/2010 12:51:04 AM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Tammy, at this early stage in it's life...yer pkn plant is like any teenager...it's wantin to run!!! Tryin to control it is an every day job!!! You seem to be the one in control, Keep up the good work and I think you will do well!! Peace, Wayne

5/6/2010 10:46:33 PM


Middle TN

LOL Wayne, having 2 teenagers of my own and a house full of them every weekend I should be ready for the job!

5/7/2010 12:58:57 AM

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