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Subject:  Scott's miracle grow garden soil

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long Island

I am running out of places to get extra dirt out of my garden. the pumpkin plant is stretching out everywhere.
I have been taking soil from here and there to bury my vines at the nodes. Now I have basically run out of dirt that I can take without creating low spots/puddles in my garden.

Can I use the garden soil from the bag, that they sell at HD and at Lowes? Is that stuff safe to use on my plant?

6/28/2010 9:31:18 PM



Scott's basically forces their retailers into selling that bagged soil in exchange for co-op revenue. That doesn't make it bad...it's just not known for anything but high prices.

Get some aged compost instead.

6/28/2010 11:00:16 PM

Billium frm Massillon


Hope Depot and other places have straight up topsoil, aged compost for only a few dollars a piece.

6/29/2010 1:20:02 AM

Billium frm Massillon


I'm going through the same thing you are wally lol

6/29/2010 1:20:23 AM


long Island

The top soil at HD is very fresh and of unknown PH
The compost at HD is aged about 10 minutes before they bag it.
The garden soil costs more but I only need a few bags.
I am hoping that the garden soil has a balanced PH and will not cause harm to my carefully amended soil.
I have a very small patch. 8'x 25'
It looks like a pumpkin jungle right now.
I might not be able to get very far in there with any soil
It will be a challenge not to step on a vine.

6/29/2010 10:08:04 AM


long Island

The top soil at HD is very fresh and of unknown PH
The compost at HD is aged about 10 minutes before they bag it.
The garden soil costs more but I only need a few bags.
I am hoping that the garden soil has a balanced PH and will not cause harm to my carefully amended soil.
I have a very small patch. 8'x 25'
It looks like a pumpkin jungle right now.
I might not be able to get very far in there with any soil
It will be a challenge not to step on a vine.

6/29/2010 10:08:20 AM


Deer Park WA

Look for a local commercial composting facility, nearly every municipality has one. Pumpkins LOVE to be buried in compost (sprinkle a bit of mico and 0-0-60 in too).

6/29/2010 10:59:28 PM


long Island

As far as know, Long Island has no such facility.
Also, I do not have a pick up truck.
I`m afraid the compost that is sold at HD is way to fresh and could possibly burn the crap out of my plant.
I have the micro and I have the 0-0-60
Looks like I will be taking my chances with the bagged garden soil at HD. Unless someone on this board says no way, don't do it

6/30/2010 12:11:03 AM



Long Island does have several commercial composters. Call Vigliotti's and Bissett's for example.

6/30/2010 9:41:33 AM

pumpkin cholo

Bloomington, IN

Small plastic totes (no more than 18 gallons if you like a functional spine, lol) or 5 gallon buckets are all you need if a small amount is what your after. I'm sure they'd sell some in that small a quantity, and its likely to be cheaper for the amount you get and better quality than the bagged stuff, at least thats been my experience with my local compost facilities.

6/30/2010 12:16:18 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

If you really insist on buying something bagged then just go get a bale of pro-mix.

6/30/2010 1:58:45 PM


long Island

Thanks everyone. And yes Tremor, you are correct. I can buy real compost on long island. I went to the place that you suggested and ended up bagging my own from a giant pile they had out back. I filled three bags and threw them in the trunk. The guy wanted 15 bucks for the three bags. Total weight maybe 120 lbs. That sounded like a lot of money to me. I asked him if he had any pro mix. That stuff is 29 bucks for a bale. I ended up making a deal. I got the compost for 5 bucks with the purchase of the pro mix
Sounded like a good deal to me.

I ended up using the pro mix to bury a lot of my vines. That stuff seems very light and might wash away easily. We will see. If it does wash away I can use the new dirt from the newly extended patch that I spent 5 hours on today. That's where I put the compost. I had to extend the patch because this plant is growing like some alien monster from another planet.

7/1/2010 9:41:21 PM

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