New Growers Forum
Subject: Seeds from pumpkins
Date Posted
bumpkin |
Hurdland USA
Am I right in assumin a larger pumpkin wont grow more seeds, only larger seed?
Does anyone know for sure?
In other words you get more seeds if you let more pumpkins grow rather then less pumpkins with better size yes or no?
7/6/2010 4:39:05 PM
JDFan |
El Paso TX.
Since Dill's grows more pumpkins per plant in order to grow the commercial seed that they sell - I'd think that you get more seeds from more pumpkins instead of larger ones -- otherwise they would not be doing it that way !
7/6/2010 4:49:43 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Have heard of Slungers w/very few seeds, and Slungers w/massive amounts of seeds!!! & seed size varies a LOT!!! Not sure if a study has been done!!! Size of seeds has also not been studied, conclusively as far as I know?? Don't think anyone knows for sure!! JD...of course you would get more seeds, from more pkns!!! But not proven, that I know of...more seeds per pkn!? Would like to hear if the Dill's keep track of how many seeds per pkn results, are kept...from year to year. Sorta sure this won't help!!! Grow em BIG!!! Peace, Wayne
7/7/2010 12:43:22 AM
Rustico |
I was guessing that the seed companies that produce for retail stores would selectively breed fruit for early seed maturity more than size, if that is possible. Or possibly, maybe more likely, they would just pick them young with small seeds? That way they get the basic genetic material of AG's with less input of time, fertilizer, water etc.
7/7/2010 2:18:17 AM
cucurbits |
Northern California Foothills
The seed would not be viable if they picked immature pumpkins.
7/7/2010 11:52:48 AM
Rustico |
Cucurbit, I think you are addressing my comment? I was wondering if there might be some some minimum possible maturity that is significantly shorter than what competetive growers shoot for.
7/7/2010 5:27:52 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Rust, sorta certain that seed viability comes b/4 top weight is achieved, but sorta think that no conclusive studies have been done that would guarantee number of growing days to get viable seeds...(think I have read, that 30 days minimum for viable seeds)...would guess it varies from pkn to pkn!!! Once again I am fairly sure this will not help! LOL Peace, Wayne
7/8/2010 12:09:40 AM
Rustico |
Something like that,Wayne. Thanks.
7/8/2010 10:08:56 PM
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