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Subject:  Under the pumpkin

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Upa Creek, MO

I have been checking out a lot of previous years diaries to see what people grow their pumpkins on. I was going to use a board, but I see a lot of sand. I assume this is for drainage to keep it high and dry. Does anyone use a board with sand on top? That seems like it would be a very sturdy way to go. Any other suggestions? BTW, some great diaries this year; lots of motivation. Thanks


7/10/2010 5:24:37 PM


long Island

I will be trying out the mill fabric under my pumpkin this year.

7/10/2010 10:28:18 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Yes, that is another I have seen used. I would just like to hear about the pros and cons from some of the experienced growers. As for now, I am going with the board and sand. Thanks Wally.


7/11/2010 9:17:58 AM


Rhode Island

heres what we do presently
1. grade and level the area to be covered,remove any rocks ( i think it helps prevent concave bottoms)
2. lay down a really thin piece of plywood approximately 4ft x 4ft
3. lay a larger piece of mill fabric ove the smaller piece of plywood.
4. if we get lucky and the fruits outer bottom edges grow outdide the mill fabric ? we just add some sand and/ or small pieces of fabric in that area.

7/11/2010 10:56:57 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Thanks Pap

7/12/2010 8:24:56 AM

Total Posts: 5 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:51:37 PM
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