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Subject:  Pumpkin or the vine

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York PA

I have a pumpkin that grew right in the middle of my plant all by it self and it is grow very fast and has now passed my other pumpkins. But theirs no we're for it to grow except over the vines should I cut the pumpkin so my others can grow or should I cut the vines around it so it has room to grow?

7/29/2010 4:33:03 PM


Ottawa, Canada


I had the same dilemma. My best pumpkin (this year) was at 10 feet from the stump, and was growing twice as fast as the other one further down the vine. I ended up keeping the faster growing one. So far, it hasn't dissapointed. As long as you have at least 10-12 sides before the fruit, you should be good to go. If you need to cut off any sides, try to cut the ones downstream from the pumpkin. Note that I'm new at growing pumpkins so you might want to wait for a few more pieces of advice from other more experienced growers before you make a decision.

7/29/2010 10:32:43 PM


East Jordan, MI

Try to move the vines slowly during the heat of the day to make room.

7/29/2010 10:59:00 PM


York PA

I can move them without breaking the vine but what about all the nodes coming out of the ground won't that hurt the plant

7/30/2010 11:40:27 AM


East Jordan, MI

In my opinion, it's better to lose a couple of roots on a vine than the whole vine. If the dirt is loose the roots should pull free fairly easily and if they are healthy roots, they will re-root themselves after you re-bury the vine. If the dirt is not loose, insert a garden fork about 6 inches or so from each node and gently rock it back and forth a little to loosen it up some on each side. Watering prior to pulling the vine up will help loosen the dirt some too. I add mycorrhiza (needs direct contact with the root) when burying also. These vines are pretty tough. I've had some start growing in the compost pile after I've trimmed them off and just tossed them on it.

7/30/2010 5:59:08 PM


York PA

The one on the sec vine is a little bigger but the one on the main is catching up quick I think I'll put a litte fish and seaweed feet out and see witch one takes off my new question is will the pumpkin on the sec steel the fer or will it make it to the pumpkin on the main. Vine

7/31/2010 8:30:48 PM


East Jordan, MI

Ylou might want to wait for someone with more experience than me, this is my first year. From what I read, most of the experts agree that the main vine is the one to keep (make sure it is past day 10 and growing before you cut the other one off). The concensus seems to be that the one on the side will grow faster in the beginning but won't hold those gains in the end. As far as the second one getting the food, it will get some since it is on the main. The 1st one probably will get more.

7/31/2010 10:22:43 PM

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