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Subject:  wet stump and Tiny flies

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Florence SD

I have two plants with wet stumps I've searched and have gotten some help on bleaching and drying it out. I've also drilled a hole in the bottom of the stump , no excess moisture came out like some other posts on here. I have noticed that when I un cover the stump there are what looks like tiny fruit flies. are they the cause or are they
there because of the wet stump.

8/1/2010 10:04:21 AM


Soldiers Grove, WI

You need to get some air and sun to the stump A.S.A.P. Wet stumps and tiny flies gathering are a sign of poor air circulation and lack of sun. I would have a fan blowing on the stump and cut some leaves out around the stump to get some direct sun light to the stump during the day. I would only cover the stump at night and during rain storms.I hope this helps.

8/1/2010 10:57:11 AM


Rhode Island

amen to caleb. the base should never be covered ( unless heavy rain is forcast ) and should also be cleaned of leaves/weeds/etc a couple times a season so the air can circulate.(id suggest a three ft circle)

fruit flies are also a good indicator that if you dont clean it up the base will rot.it may have already started.

id spray the base also with any fungicide you can get your hands on or at a minimum a couple sprays of 8 parts water and 2 parts bleach.(kills bacteria)

8/1/2010 8:16:31 PM


Florence SD

Thanks guys, I have only been covering it at night and uncovering it in the morning. I cut a bunch of leaves so it gets more sun. They almost get dry by evening but by morning they are wet again I now have fans on them and I'll see if that solves the problem along with the daily bleachings.
I have some sulfer powder and captain on the way.

8/2/2010 10:31:08 AM

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