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Subject:  How to harvest an AG

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Upa Creek, Mo

I have a 35 day old that is done growing and orange. Is it too early to harvest if I want to keep it till October/November? What # of days or signs do you look for to cut the fruit?


8/15/2010 7:14:46 PM

hoots dirt (Mark)

Farmville, Virginia (mfowler@hsc.edu)

If it is done growing and turned orange it's definitely as mature as it's going to get. If it will make it to end of October is anyones guess. Maybe storing it in a cool, dry place until October would help some.

8/15/2010 8:19:38 PM


Fresno, CA

I don't think you'll have any trouble keeping it until October as long as you store it cool and dry like hoot says. But it will lose weight if you're planning to bring it to a weighoff.

8/15/2010 9:04:26 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks fellas. I already have about 10 jackos stored in a unused bedroom on wood floor. I will probably move it there next week after I let it harden up a bit more.

Congrats on the new personal best too EndLessTrail!

8/15/2010 10:16:03 PM

pumpkin cholo

Bloomington, IN

I once kept a 40 lb burpee prizewinner for a whole year...in the living room...just because. lol

8/15/2010 11:37:58 PM


El Paso TX.

I've got 4 sitting on pallets in the garage right now ( 2 from the 851 Fowler @ 320Lbs. and 187Lbs. and 2 from the poor 421 Drum that somehow survived about 10 splits and twists in the main vine from getting blown around in some 60+MPH winds that managed to somehow just hit that plant @ 107 and 85 Lbs.) since they had all stopped growing and most of the leaves on the plants had given up after the 2 months of 90-110F days. Hoping they'll hang in there till october also. I know I've been able to keep the field pumpkins around for longer than that the last couple years so hoping the AGs will store well also.

Hope yours hang in there for you also !

8/16/2010 12:14:04 AM


Fresno, CA

Thanks Luke. JDFan's idea to put on a pallet is a good one - because it will keep airflow underneath. I had one at 94 lbs that I stored on concrete in front of fireplace in living room for several months. Pumpkin was fine but a little mold had grown underneath when I moved it because there was some stale airspace where the pumpkin wasn't perfectly flat on the bottom.

8/16/2010 12:06:44 PM


Western PA

Luke, congrats on your new pb.
I have stored them in my garage and basement for several months. Keep wood under them, cool and dry and they will be fine. Also wash them with some clorox (2 Tbs/gal of water)
that will dissenfect them.

8/16/2010 1:33:04 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks again everybody for the input.

8/16/2010 2:14:46 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Luke, JDFan... I truly hate to bring you down...but the temps this time of year in Zappa's garage are prbly way cooler than in Missouri, or Texas!!! AG's (soft stems)...IMHO...will not keep as long as a field pkn!!(hard stems) If you got an air conditioned garage, (wish I had one), and get constant airflow (yes, the pallet is a good idea)...around the pkn, it could last longer than I could imagine!! Another idea...might be good, might be bad, but I have seen pkns show up to weighoffs/ w a couple feet of vine attatched to either side of the stem, stuck into water bottles!!! Good luck!!! Scott

8/16/2010 11:25:22 PM


Western PA

Very true Peace Wayne. If I pull my big one out, I better keep a close eye on that stem.

8/17/2010 6:44:23 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks Wayne, I have not cut it off yet. Since they don't hold up as well in storage as field pumpkins, is it advised to keep them on the plant as long as possible?

8/17/2010 8:21:59 AM


El Paso TX.

Yeppers - out here the garages can get pretty warm, luckily I use the garage alot for working on computers so have it well insulated and air conditioned !! (In fact it is usually cooler than my room inside the house - since I spend more time there than inside the house) - So far they are all holding up pretty well (no signs of mold or leakage onto the floor underneath the pallet) - I'll be washing them down with a very light bleach\water solution once a week and only time will tell.

Figure even if they don't last it's been a good year growing them for the first time and learned alot along the way for next year !! (ie. to be patient and wait to start a bit later next year) The niece has already had alot of fun watching them grow and won't be too disappointed if they don't make it.

@ Luke -- If the vine is still alive and you still have some leaves on the plant, I'd keep it on the vine as long as it is getting some nutrients - I only pulled mine cause the vines were pretty much done and the 90-100 degree weather was hurting them more than the vine was going to help them.

8/17/2010 12:08:00 PM



My first year my plant died in early August. I had to pick the 200lb pumpkin. It made it too Halloween fine until it was carved. I was just outside on a pallet.

8/17/2010 7:54:07 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks again. I cut it off today since I have notice some green spots up by the stem. I figure it might have a better chance cool, dry and on a pallet in our guest bedroom.

8/17/2010 9:19:29 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Luke, I would advise a daily smell test, in yer guest bedroom!!! Best of LUCK!!!
PS...maybe a sheet of plastic under it would be a good idea!!!
Hope it makes it, but be prepared for disaster!!! Peace, Wayne

8/18/2010 12:35:16 AM


Rhode Island

on several occasions years ago we had pumpkins stop growing in mid season. we choose to leave them on life support hooked up to a small piece of main vine,covered with a sheet, along with a few feet of leaf canopy.
they lasted a couple months right there in the patch.
once you cut it the pumpkin will eventually run its course.
either way cut or keep hooked up? can be a crap shoot.

8/18/2010 7:22:37 AM


Fresno, CA

Do they lose less weight when hooked up to the vine after growth has stopped than they would disconnected?

8/18/2010 10:45:29 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

keep them on the vine as long as possible...

8/18/2010 1:42:22 PM

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