New Growers Forum
Subject: Merit vs Bayer Advanced insecticide
Date Posted
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
I have read that Merit will help control the vine borer. We get them in at least 2 cylces here starting in May. Has any one used Bayer Advanced since it contains the same main ingredient, midacloprid, as Merit? Any other advice on what to use is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
4/18/2011 9:21:31 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Bayer Advanced or Grub-X here when tilling in spring soil amendments. Merit every 30 days afterward.
4/18/2011 9:24:59 PM
Kentucky, U.S.A.
I used some Bayer last year, I didn't have any bug problems, and I didn't have much in the way of fruit!!!! Really I think it did a good job! Maybe I'll have an attractive fruit this year!!! BSD, David
4/18/2011 11:37:16 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Ive used Bayer,treated plant 3 times,when about 2 feet long,then 2 weeks,then again 2 weeks,plant still got disease,bout no SVB damage,Root Shield on the way,From Extremme pumpkins.com
4/19/2011 6:18:41 AM
cheddah |
norway , maine
i used bayer tree an shrub advanced last year ,,, i found this thread last year while trying to find info on it- http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=3&p=63822
i didnt use it until i had cuke beetle madness around begining of june, but once i used it it killed every.thing,,everything,, the 4 oz to a gallon for 500sq that tremor suggested is what i did and didnt use it again. This year i plan on using it from the word go as suggested in the above and again in 90 days,,,on a side note i think this may have killed all the beez that came to polinate cuz i found dead or soon to be dead bees in male flowers alot often multiple beez in a flower. POTENT STUFF
4/19/2011 9:42:46 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Thanks guys, I think it will be my systemic and good luck to all.
4/19/2011 10:10:22 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
90 days is too long,you should treat ,in 2 -3 week intervals,I doubt the Merit killed bees,It shouldnt,Sometimes the bees are stoned on pollen & appear drunk!
4/20/2011 9:29:42 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I think your soil has to be 60 degrees to till Grub-ex we Have to wait till mid may if lucky
4/21/2011 5:31:30 AM
gardnerhillbilly |
Good idea to start EARLY with insecticides if you have cuke beetle problems. at the NYSGPG seminar this past saturday they were encouraging early pest management because cuke beetles carry a bacterial wilt that will only show up in you plants weeks after the beetles have infected them. If you see beetles, and only then begin spraying, they may have already ruined your season even though your plants may look unharmed at that point.
4/21/2011 6:11:10 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Handy, I'll probalby treat every 30 days.
GHB, well said. You have to do the same with disease management like powdery mildew. I'm doing everything early this year.
4/21/2011 8:58:27 AM
cntryboy |
East Jordan, MI
While Systemics like merit are the best defence against SVBs, killing cuke beetles via a systemic is called revenge killing. They will be dead, BUT if they are carrying bacteria wilt they will have most likely have already delivered their payload by the time they eat the plant and die.
Not letting flowers open in the patch (they are attracted by both the smell and color) using a repellant like Garlic to keep them away, and a good contact insecticide at proper intervals are essential in protecting your plant against them.
4/21/2011 8:15:05 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Well said Cecil. Don't rely on Merit to control your cucumber beetles. While Merit is good stuff, Warrior Z or Permethrin is instant death.
4/21/2011 9:06:19 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
What is another good contact? I looked up Warrior and I don't want to nuke my garden since it is restricted use. What about Orthomax or Talstar? I used Sevin last year with lots of success, but have read lots of bad things it does to the microbes. Thanks
4/21/2011 9:26:32 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
luke, just because it's restricted use doesn't mean it's going to "nuke" your garden. Permethrin is one of the best contact killers for the money. Always rotate when you can. Check out Tampa Ag.com.
4/21/2011 10:00:38 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Joe, if it hits them or if they contact it on the surface of the plant? Cuke beetles are a major prblm here!!! spotted & stripped!!! Peace, Wayne
4/21/2011 11:56:08 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Both Wayne. You should see what those little buggers do when it hits them. The residual effects, so that protection is on-going, should be assumed to be effective for no more than a week and even less after a rainfall.
I've found that Permethrin is less effective on aphids and, for that reason, I'm going to begin rotating with Talstar when they show up.
4/22/2011 5:27:30 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Every 30 days wont stop SVBs in my patch I have to start mid June & hit every 2 weeks to Mid July,That does it there cycle ends in August,so I dont hit in August,30days maybe a stretch on 1 treatment.
4/22/2011 6:47:48 AM
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