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Subject:  no male flowers

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Upa Creek, Mo

Another flower question. Both of my main plants are at 17 feet and around 170 square feet each. I have only had one male flower bloom so far. Most of them pop up but then the pedals never fully develop and blossom. I was worried about no females developing, but no male blossoms has to be a sign of something out of wack... maybe hit it with some phosphorous?


6/17/2011 9:55:59 AM



Has to be a nutrient deficiency. Does it have normal side vines?

6/17/2011 1:55:55 PM



Actually we need to see a picture to tell you what it could be. Might be too much or too little of a nutrient.

6/17/2011 2:06:14 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I’ll have to describe for now. A flower is at every node as usual, about the same height as usual but the pedals are short and never even swell up the way they are supposed to before they blossom. After a couple weeks like this, they rot\fall off. Side vines that are growing average about 6-8 inches a day. Some are still stunted on the south side of all 3 plants.

6/17/2011 2:42:51 PM


canal winchester ohio

Are you giving any high nitrogen fertilizer. Sounds like a result of that. Cut all fertilizers. The best plan is when the main is about 3-4 foot long give it a dose of mircle-gro blossom booster.

6/17/2011 2:55:21 PM



Sounds like it may be a phosphorus problem. A picture is necessary since you could be starving or overfeeding the plant. My second year growing I had a plant dropping unopened flowers and the vines were also stunted. I was underfeeding it and the plant just died in August after the pumpkin stopped growing at 400 lbs. When I tested the soil in the fall there were very low amounts of nutrients. Have you ever had a soil test?

6/17/2011 3:16:51 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Huffs, not now but I might have added too much early spring. I also had 2 soil tests. If anything I was a little low on Phos and my pottasium was very high. I think a lot of the original nitrogen I added got leached away but I added some ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) in early may which only is supposed to last up to 4 weeks. I only care about 2 of my 3 plants. Any suggestions on what to try on the 3rd plant I was ironically growing for extra flowers are welcome.

6/17/2011 3:37:27 PM



If the soil test shows low phosphorus and you have flowers dropping you should probably give it some phosphorus. Not all at once though gradually.

6/17/2011 4:16:04 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

Was your PH off??? got to watch the sulfates they'll change the PH and to much will burn roots. I would try a lite phosphorus...maybe even bone meal...i think that's 0-12-0. Good Luck! GrowEmBig!

6/17/2011 5:15:16 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks again, my PH was a little high, so the A.S might have helped drop it a bit. I am trying blood meal and bone meal on my trial plant to see if it is either N or P off. I am also sending off a soil test tomorrow so they can tell me for sure including salt.

6/17/2011 7:09:06 PM

Bohica (Tom)


Luke, I wouldnt add anything until you know what is going on from the soil test.

6/17/2011 7:23:21 PM


Kentucky, U.S.A.

And... could it be a lack of sunshine? Vitimun D defficient? Are both your plants back near the woods?
Just thinkin'!! BSD, David

6/17/2011 10:32:56 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

David yes they are by woods, it was the only place. They get direct sun from around 8 am till 2pm. LM Pete grows under similiar conditions with his house and he hit 1000+. Soil test sent today.

6/18/2011 3:02:55 PM

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