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Subject:  Pollination

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East Central Ohio

Being fairly new to this addicting hobby, I find myself being somewhat confused on the pollination issue. Is it a must to self pollinate in order to get that giant pumpkin that is going to win the weigh off, or is it just for the seed genetics. My AG seeds were bought at the local garden center so I am sure they are not the "good" seeds needed for a 1000# pumpkin. Self pollinating is something that I would like to do but I am having trouble determining when the blooms will open. Its the timing. Any advice would be much appreciated!

6/30/2011 12:01:44 PM


El Paso TX.

The male used to pollinate will not make a difference in the pumpkin you grow this year -- it will only effect the seeds inside the pumpkin for future seasons.

6/30/2011 2:19:42 PM


Middle TN

so any pumpkin I grow will look just like its 'mother' no matter what bloom I use to pollinate it with? but if I grow the seeds from that pumpkin then it may have characteristics of the 'father'??
I hope that made sense LOL

6/30/2011 2:41:17 PM


President - GPC

TNTammy....that iZ correct. The seedZ grown from that pumpkin will have characteristics from the father and mother....and combinations from both there of....hope that helps.....

6/30/2011 3:09:33 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Bullock, most people don't self. That's when you use a male flower from the same plant the female (future pumpkin) is on. Most look to make crosses of choice. You need at least 2 plants with traits you favor (orange, shape, size etc). Ya use the male on one and pollinate the female on the other. The pumpkin will only have the traits of mom as mentioned above, this year. The seeds from the new pumpkin will hold traits of both you crossed with.

I grew generic AG seeds from Lowes last year and got a couple 100 pounders on one plant. They were selfed since I only had the one plant. When the flower pedals on the male and female flowers are large, swollen and have a hint of orange they are usually about to go in a day or 2. Just watch the males each day to get an idea.

6/30/2011 3:58:51 PM


Middle TN

Cool, I didnt know that! Thanks Wiz :)

6/30/2011 4:00:28 PM


El Paso TX.

Tammy - Actually the pumpkin you grow will have the traits of the Mother's Mother and Father (or your pumpkins grandparents) So may look like the Mother's Mother or the Mother's Father or a combination of the two -- and the seeds in it will pass on the traits of its Mother and Father - In pumpkins the traits passed on are one generation further behind since the pumpkin is more of a seed container than an offspring and the seeds that grow the Next generation are the offspring. (Hope that makes sense !)

6/30/2011 5:11:11 PM


Middle TN

LMAO you may have to draw me a map on that one JD!! haha I think I understand what your saying though.

6/30/2011 5:48:48 PM

Ron Rahe (uncron1@hotmail.com)


Yep the night before opening the flowers will get that special orange glow.

6/30/2011 9:55:49 PM


East Central Ohio

Thanks for the information. I have learned more in the first month or so from this website than I did the entire year last year. Good Luck to all!

7/1/2011 12:57:47 AM

Uncle Ed

Presto, Pa.

So you pollinate, tie it close and then what? How do u know if it took or not? Is the pumpkin just going to start to grow? I did it to 2 pumpkins I would like to pollinate one more before I start feeding again. This pumpkin thing is kllin me. I am to old for this. lol but i love it. Thanks all

7/3/2011 8:37:44 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Ed, I usually know within 2 days if it took. Day 1 after it might grow or even double in size, some don't and some do, but I definitely notice within 2 days after pollination. It wouldn't hurt to wait longer for safe measures. If in the 90's, I keep a frozen 2 liter bottle of water next to the new fruit to help prevent it from aborting. You also need to shade it with a chair or some type of shelter... no direct sunlight.

7/3/2011 9:07:19 AM

Uncle Ed

Presto, Pa.

Thanks Luke. I think it is growing. lol I did put up the tarp. After all the parties this wekend I'll put some pictures up. I am pleased with my pumpkin so far enjoy the 4th everyone

7/3/2011 12:37:51 PM

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